Chapter 12

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My plan landed in San Diego at about 5 AM.

I was so tired and did not want to go over the events of yesterday right now.

I grabbed my bags at baggage claim and caught a taxi.


That's where I wanted to be right now.

I got home and dropped my bags, I turned on my A/C and went to my bathroom. Stripping I took a shower, an actual shower. Not a 5 minute scrubbing so I could save water for the guys.

The guys.

Something I did not want to think about right now.

I got out of the shower and brushed my hair,

I need a change.

I grabbed a unbranded black sweat shirt and sweatpants from my closet and put them on.

I plugged my phone in seeing as it died on the plane.

I need sleep.

I pulled my Duvet back and slid into my comfortable bed.

Almost instantly I was asleep.


I woke up around 4 PM. I stretched and checked my phone.

7 Missed Calls - Jaime
4 New Text Messages - Jaime
3 Missed Calls - Vic
2 New Text Messages - Mike
1 New Text Message - Tony.

I opened Jaime's texts first.

Jaime: 3:23 Am:
Brianna, I'm sorry. Don't hate me.

Jaime: 6:54 Am:

Please respond to me, I need to know you're at least safe.

Jaime: 12:34 Pm:
I hope you didn't die.

Jaime: 3:21 Pm:
I've always loved you, since we were younger, I'm sorry I screwed this up.

I texted him back,

Brianna: 4:04 Pm:

Jaime, I'm okay. I can directly home and fell asleep, my phone died on the plane, I'm sorry if I worried you. You didn't screw anything up okay? I need time, time to think. About you, Mike, Tony, I just don't know what to do anymore okay? Please, give me this.

Much love,

I proceeded to open Mike's texts.

Mikeywhiskeyhands: 2:23 Pm:

I love you, no matter what.

Mikeywhiskeyhands: 3:35 Pm:

Please respond to Jaime, I don't know what happened but he's freaking out.

I replied to him,

Brianna: 4:08 Pm:

I know you love me, I did text him back.

I then opened Tony's text message,

Tony: 1:21 Am:

I'm sorry, I love you.

Please come back.

I didn't reply to him, I don't know what to say, my phone buzzed again.

Jaime: 4:10 Pm:

I respect that you want time, I still want to speak though, can we still call and text?

Brianna: 4:10 Pm:

Of course Jaime.

I low you, I'm going to grab food out at the Pier.

Mike: 4:11 Pm:

Good, be safe. (Jaime told me where you were going(: )

I laughed and went to my closet.

I grabbed some shorts and put them on. My hair was dry and straight so I didn't have to worry about that.

I grabbed my wallet and phone.

I was going to walk today and just relax.

I put my black Vans on and grabbed my headphones. I locked the door and began to walk.

I plugged my head phones in and clicked my sad playlist.

I was sad,

I was sad I left tour,

I was sad that Jaime cried over me,

I was sad Vic cried over me,

I was just sad.

Oh my goodness! I forget to call Vic back!

I clicked on his contact and it rang, it was 1:30 there so I knew that they weren't playing a show yet.

6 rings later her answered.


"Hey Vic, you called?"

"I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"I am thank you, how is Jaime?"

"A wreck, he never came back last night but he called and said he's okay and would be back tomorrow, since we have an off day today it's okay. What happened between you two?"

"Nothing I want to talk about, what about Mike and Tony?"

"Mike's okay, Tony's quiet, I'm a wreck since you left. I miss you."

"I know Vic I missed you too, but I need time. Okay?"

"I know, I love you."

"I love you too Vic, I gotta go now, I'm at the Pier."

"I know, bye!"

I hung up and went to my favorite restaurant.

I ordered a hamburger and fries. I ate my food and laid a $10 on the table.

I was just walking around enjoying the ocean breeze.

I saw the Ferris wheel and walked up to the entrance.

They opened the door and I waited on a car.

Finally after like forever they stopped a car with someone inside, so I figured they were getting out.

When they opened the door and I did not expect to see who was in the car.

He looked at me and smiled.




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