Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

I hadn't really seen much of or spoke to Isobel in the past week, it was as if she was avoiding me. I followed her to the train station "One way to Bradford.." she sighed, looking behind her, seeing me "Oh hi ha-" she was cut off by a bunch of screaming girls "I'll skype you later" she shouted before running for her train. I sighed but continued smiling, I signed things for fans and took photo's. When all the fans had gone I got in my car and drove back to where we were staying. I walked straight into Zayn "Have you seen Isobel? Doniya just rang me and said Waliyha saw her on the train." He said, his face full of worry. "Why? what's going on?" I asked. trying to calm Zayn down. "we were talking last night and she said. She said, She.. It'd be best if you asked her Haz.. I think she's gone to see Doniya.. I need to let her know" he turned around and practically ran down the hall. I was confused. I rang Isobel but it went straight to voice mail.

A few hours later I was lying on my bed with my laptop on the floor when it beeped like I had a skype request. I picked my laptop and answered it, turning on video call. "Doniya?" Doniya was sat with what looked like Isobel crying into her back. "Hey.." She said, smiling. "Uh, Isobel didn't really want to tell you but she kind of had a..a miscarriage" I heard Isobel make a squeak noise before running out the room,  "Is she okay? do you want me to come over?" I asked, frowning "Noo, its okay, i'll try my best to look after her and everything"  Doniya smiled weakly "I'll text you tomorrow, see you then Haz" She ended the call. I sat motionless on my bed.

"Harry? You've been in here for ages" Hannah said, sitting on my bed "Yeah... Just..." I sighed, sitting up "Whats up?" I looked at her, our eyes locked momentarily.

I've never noticed before, Hannah's eyes were amazing, they were dark brown, not too dark, just the right shade of brown.

"Harry?" Hannah's voice brought me from my thoughts "It's, uh, nothing" I smiled, walking out of the house "Harry where are you going? It's nearly 12 am!" Louis followed me "I'm going for a walk..." I mumbled, pulling my jacket closer around me. "Can I join you?" He asked, hopping after me, trying to put his trainer on "Okay.." I sighed, waiting for him to put his trainer on. We walked quietly for a while, it was a comfortable silence but i was beginning to get irritable.

Quietness scares me, it makes me feel like I've done something wrong..

I looked at Louis, he looked tired and stressed. "Lou, are you okay?" He nodded "Tell me the truth" I put my arm round him, stopping us from walking much further. "It's just- I-.." He swallowed, his sea green eyes filled with tears "Louis, what's wrong, I dont like seeing you like this.." I caught the first of his tears with my thumb. "I.. I love you Harry.. I.. I just dont think I can anymore." "What do you mean? Lou.. I can't lose you" "Harry- I-" "Let's go back.." I shivered, pulling Louis into one last hug. The walk  back was quiet.

I picked Isobel up the next morning, she didnt look or speak to me, she spent the whole journey with her earphones in and reading. I pulled into McDonalds carpark, watching her read, how her eyes moved when they read each line, how she smiled when there was an innuendo or something funny. I sat like that for a couple of minutes, wondering, how a girl that beautiful could be so broken. Broken enough to attempt suicide every other night, broken enough she would only be alive but not live. I blame myself, I dragged her into this drama, she was perfectly fine just being, well herself, she was better. She gets hate daily, she cries whenever she thinks she's alone. I broke the silence after a while "Food?" I watched as she finished reading that chapter and looked up, "What?" "Do you want something to eat?" "What time is it?" "Half 11 in the morning" I sighed. "Yeah, okay then" She smiled, it didnt reach her eyes though.

I don't want to lose her, she's my life, ofcourse I love the fans, but if I lose Isobel, I don't know what I'd do.

We walked into McDonalds and ordered our food to take out. "I love you Harry" Isobel smiled up at me, putting her arms around my torso. "I love you too, you're my beautiful broken angel" I smiled, kissing the top of her head and pulling her in for a hug. "mhm" she mumbled into my chest.

We ate while I drove. Isobel was happy to talk and I put the radio on. Passenger - Let Her Go came on, I listened to Isobel sing, she was looking out the window the whole time.

"only know you love her when you let her go

and you let her go.."

I looked at her, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. I pulled over, getting several drivers beeping at me, I put my middle finger up and pulled her onto my knee "What's up love? Please don't cry" I whispered, resting my forehead against hers, "I dont know.. I just.." she sighed. I searched her face for any clues "I just want to get in and see Hannah.." She shrugged, sitting back in her seat, picking her book and iPod back up. I sighed and drove back to where we were staying. Hannah, Niall, Liam and Zayn were out. "Izzykinss!" Louis shouted, running towards us and picking Isobel up, spinning round "Hey Loubear" she smiled. "Harry, Liam wants to see you - I don't know where he is though, he said it was important" Louis shrugged "Okay, well, I'll find him, be back in a bit" I kissed Isobel's cheek and walked away awkwardly. 

What could Liam possibly want?

Isobel's POV

Me and Louis were lying in the back garden, the other boys and Hannah weren't back yet so we decided it'd be nice to lie in the setting sun.

"How has everything been with you, Iz?" Louis asked after a while of silence. I looked over to Louis, his usually blue-green eyes were dull, He looked older, he'd lost his child like glow. "everything's.. Everything's fine" I lied, smiling vaguely. "I can see straight through your lies.." he said, lying on his back "What's up.. Except... the-.. The miscarriage?" his voice dropped into a whisper "Just everything, but I'll be okay" I lied. He shook his head and hugged me tightly "everything's gonna be okay. I promise, I know you're probably sick of hearing this, but it will get better, you have me, Harry, Liam, Niall, Hannah.. Hell you even have Zayn, he still cares about you" I nodded  lying my head on his chest. I reached over to my iPod and put Beside You - 5Seconds Of Summer on. The other's came back, Louis was fast asleep. I heard Hannah scream "No Luke dont!!" Then a splash.

Someone picked me up and threw me into the pool. I screamed loudly, I couldn't swim anymore. I stuggled to tread water. My jeans slipped from my waist, thank god I wore my swimsuit under my clothes when it was hot. I was pulled out of the water not long after. My eyes met a very colourful-haired Micheal "Sorry about that I forgot you cant swim anymore" he said. I shrugged "It's fine" I smiled, standing up shakily. I was humming Unpredictable when Harry picked me up and span me round "Hello beautiful, I've missed you" He kissed my cheek, smiling "You've only been gone two or three hours" I smiled, looking up at him. He laughed lightly. "I still missed you" His smile broadened, he was like a little kid. He was messing with my drying, now curly hair. "You look so cute when you blush". I looked down at my feet, unsure about what to say "Hey dont look away from me, I love looking at your face" he lifted my chin back up, kissing my forehead, nose then the corner of my mouth "I love you"  A smirk crossed Harry's face. Damn it Styles WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING HOT. "I love you too, Harry". "You two, get a room!" Liam shouted. "Alright then" Harry picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. I looked at Liam, who seemed fairly surprised but continued doing whatever it was he was doing before. Hannah watched quietly but the rest didnt seem to notice we were gone.


I had really bad Harry feels sorry.

Uhm yeah

The next chappy will probably be pretty long 'cause its the last one!

Love you guys

~Isobel xo

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