~Chapter One~

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     After world war 3 things turned upside down. The government was destroyed as well as civilization and everyone practically had to start all over again. Families lost their homes. People lost their jobs. Most even lost their lives to save the fraction of us that are left. America, destroyed all in one week. Some people didn't think the war would come for another decade, others saw it coming.
      We were forced to watch as the tension between Iraq and Israel grew. We saw Jerusalem get bombed out of existence and watched helplessly as Bethleham burned to ashes and rubble. Gods towns, were destroyed. Christians got angrier and angrier until they snapped. They marched around the white house 200 times protesting our neutrality in the war. I was included in this.
      We made picket signs, got on the news, and occasionally tried to break into the white house. Our attempts only made the 56th president, President Hopkins, angrier. He  gave a speech in the courtyard in front of millions and it was broadcasted all over the USA. He announced anyone caught within a 200 yard radius of the white house doing anything out of the ordinary shall be arrested on the spot. He also declared that if anyone is caught reading the bible, praying, or anything else such as that shall be whipped on national television. To make sure this law stayed obeyed he ordered everyone to have to get a chip lodged into their wrist or they will be put in the electric chair if they are caught without one. The chips, we figured out soon enough had cameras in them as well as tracking devices.
       All the churches were forced to close and anyone caught around them was to be whipped as well. We Christian's were not going to stand for this. There was a secret organization started by Timothy Banks where you got your chip hacked and got it dejected from your wrist but it always followed something and kept making it seem like you were moving around. That way the authorities wouldnt get suspicious.
      The leaders of the organization also formed an attack on the president. I have to say, the attack sounded like a good idea at the time but it immediately backfired. The plan was to gather as many weapons as we could salvage and lock them in a bunker underground. We also needed to start digging underground tunnels to get to and away from the white house. In case things went wrong, only volunteers would go and if things went bad then they would blow up the white house with everything in it.
       We immediately set to work. After my daily school routine, I would come home and start helping dig as close to the churches as we could get. We repeated this process for the next six months and since there were around 1000 of us we finally finished. We were ready to attack and take back our rights. I was one of the volunteers considering my mother had died from cancer when I was young and my dad suffered a heart attack 2 years ago, right after my 14 birthday.
      After mapping everything out, we set off with only what we could carry in our hands and a backpack. The normal things people brought were food, clothes, first aid kit, and weapons. There were even some 6 year olds going with us.
      After the long journeys through the underground tunnels, we ventured onto the left inside corner of the Whitehouse lawn. Quickly our front people shot down the security guards with all different types of weapons ranging from guns to arrows to knives. We got inside through a door that was (weirdly) unguarded but it seemed pretty suspicious to me.
       Once we got inside we made our way down a long corridor with laterns hanging everywhere. Due to the lack of light it was hard to make sure we weren't knocking things over but I brought our my flashlight, and the others finally caught on. We were just a bunch of flickering lights in a long, eerie hallway.
      At the end of the corridor were five doors all varying in color. We decided to split up and go different ways, but when we went to open them, they opened themselves. Out came guards, 5 out of each door, and standing in the middle was none other than President Hopkins.
      He slowly made his way out in front of us. I thought about shooting but noticed he was in full body armer. Bulletproof. "Crap now what are we going to do?" I thought to myself, then he started talking.
        "Ah I see we've got some visitors," he said pausing. "but sorry to say you are slighty unwelcome." There it was. the cold, bitter person I've grown to dislike so much. Suprisingly this was the first time I had met him.
       Nobody moved. You could feel the tension in the air and the hot breath of the people around you. The main smells were coming from President Hopkins himself. He smelt like Roses and Blood, two smells similar in color but one bitter and the other sweet. He paced a couple times.
       "Now what are we going to do with a bunch rebels like you?" he said sneering at us. "I give you a safe country with some rights and what do you do to repay me? Go against me?" this time he looked directly at me. "and how do we repay such behavior? what are we to do with you all?" I felt something cold touch my back and slowly turned to see one of the six year olds with a knife in his hand. I knew what he was going to do.
       I couldn't let him do it. He would surely die if he tried. I was doing to much thinking though and not enough acting. It was too late. He ran for the president and jumped, but he was shot down in midair. I heard gulps and sniffles behind me. I myself was about to cry.
      "Well look what we have here. A brave soul that is no more. Anyone else want to try anything?" a woman beside me started crying and he gave her a glance and a slight look of fake pity. I finally got my guts together.
      "Well what're you going to do with us? Stare at us until were all dead?" i said but immediately regretted it because i knew he was going to do way worse.
       "Hm another brave one... lets see how brave you really are." with a flip of his hand he had the guards go through our group and grab all the younger kids. Except for me. One of my friends were in that group. I could see his eyes begging me to save him, but i couldn't think of anything. "Let's see how much you can really take."
        He had the guards stick a gun up to each of the kids foreheads and put their thumb on the trigger. I couldn't stand this. I had to do something, but what? Then i had it.

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