~Chapter Two~

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     If i could somehow turn the laterns off all at once then maybe the guards wouldn't be able to find us all, and after all they were outnumbered. I could just pass it around for when the lights go off everyone duck and hit the floor, that way the guards wouldn't suspect it and wouldn't be able to aim at us. I had my plan.
      While the president rambled on about how disrespectful we were to him, barging in like this i set my plan to work. I quickly got the others to pass it around to duck and eventually i got my friend and the other kids to get it too. There was only one problem. How was i going to turn off all the laterns at once? Then it hit me.
      What i could do was use my grappling hooks to knock all the laterns to the floor all at once. After all, the guards didn't have any extra guns and the president wasn't even looking at us, but at the floor. "and if you treat me with such disrespect how am i to repay you? A treat? No but with good old revenge," the president said as he slammed his right fist against his left palm.
       I was running out of time, and i couldn't overthink this one like how i did with the six year old or we'd all be dead. Slowly I pulled my grappling hooks out of my bag and carefully turned around. Then, as quick as lightening I set off my grappling hooks and ducked. Just as i had planned, everyone ducked with me and the lights blew out.
       Gunshots were everywhere and we turned our flashlights back on and shot, but i knew president Hopkins would be a tricky one so I crawled across the floor in search of him. Sadly I had no luck in finding him because I heard a door click shut through all the noise.
       I got up and ran through all the chaos and ran my hand along the wall until I found a door in the direction from where I heard the click. I found the door knob and opened it and ran down yet another passage way until i made it into a big room of mirrors. The president knew exactly what he was doing. I made my way along mirror after mirror, getting no where. In fact it seemed i had found myself in a mirror maze.
      Just when i thought i was lost a voice echoed throughout the vast room. "You may be braver and snarter than i thought you were young one but I am much wiser for I have lived for many more years," his voice boomed.
      "The years don't matter it's the passion that matters and the reason for fighting behind it. I could outwit you anyday." my voice seemed small compared to his and the room seemed to swallow my confidence but i wasn't giving up yet.
       "Ah my dear but you have already lost," his voice seemed to ease off at that last word. I could just imagine all those people I had left behind back there, dead, all of those kids shot and killed. A pang of guilt hit my chest like a sack of bricks.
       "And what makes you think that?" I squeaked and you could hear the hint of nervousness I was giving away accidentally.
       "Proof, Evidence, the meer fact that I'm what you came hear for but I have already escaped. Soon we shall find you too, once we regroup and end this foolishness. After all your just a kid," and with that i heard footsteps banging against the floor and yet another click. He had escaped and left me here to wonder what I had done wrong.
       If only i could find my way out if this maze, I could check and see if the others are alright, or would it be better to go after the president? After all he is what we came here for, and without killing him was all of this really worth it? I eventually decided to check on the others because by now the president would probably be armed.
        When I made it back into the corridor I found lots of bodies lying around. Including the guards, a couple of our people and my friend, Aron. A tear slipped out of my eye as I bent down to touch the lifeless body that had once been my friend. His eyes were open so i dug in my backpack and found two pennies and put them over his eyes so they would stay closed. I gave him once last hug and slowly got up.
       I looked up to see around 700 alive eyes watching me cautiously. One of the women even came over and hugged me. The leader of our group led us all out through an underground tunnel we had dug and sent us back to our base. He told us from now on we should never leave the protection of the base because the president would now be searching for us and everyone followed orders. Except me.
      After I told the leader I would be right back and that I had to use the bathroom I quickly made my way into the woods. I love the woods and like to spend as much time as i can there. It's where I find relaxation and where I go to calm my nerves. I rounded a tree and brushed my hand against the rough bark. I inhaled and exhaled the wild flowers scent and watched birds fly on and off of the trees above me.
      I jogged down to the stream that I call the wishing stream and picked up a thin, smooth stone. I held it in my fist tightly and sqeezed my eyes shut. I often come here and make wishes in hopes that they might some day be granted. I make my wish and toss the stone into the stream. It splashes into the water and lands on the bottom of the stream.
      I sit down on an algaed rock and rub my temples. "I let him get away," I whisper. " I should have gone after him. I shouldn't have let him get away."
       While I'm scolding myself something cracks from behind the bushes. "It's probably just an animal," I try to convince myself. "There's animals all over the woods," Then I hear a whistle. I knew that couldn't be a animal and my adrenaline got running.
       I cautiously stood up and made my way to the bush that I heard the noise from. As I got closer I started to see a blue shape behind the bushes leaves. I started to get more nervous as i crept up to the bush. When i made it to the bush I moved the leaves away and found something rather odd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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