100 Truths Challenge

43 5 24

Challenged by the sadistic, but awesome, JamesZoo. And thank you to the angel, Tigzy435, for giving me the question list so I didn't have to type it out.

1. Real name: Danielle (Last name unknown~ I'm like one of those one-episode characters that dies at the end of a dramatic episode!)
2. Nickname: Danny, Dani, D, a whole bunch of dinosaur puns on my last name, Ace (You can ask, but I won't tell), Bubbles, Monkey, Weirdo. (If any of my friends start adopting any of the ones after Ace, I'm going to ignore them for a week. They have been warned.)
3. Favourite colour: Don't have one. I'm colorless.
4. M or F: Female, but when I cosplay, male.
5. Elementary school: Mm...home-schooled. In other words, no story to tell.
7. Highschool: Still home-schooled!
8. Collage: I'm in community college, but it's only part time since I want to focus on finding a job and moving out rather than being stuck with my family (they plan to move, but I don't really want to, so...)
9. Hair colour: Brown, unless I'm wearing a wig to throw you off ;)
10. Tall, short or average: ...Tall. I am way above average. I really...stand out in a crowd.
11. Sweats or jeans: Jeans, I guess. I actually prefer shorts, since it's too hot to wear sweats here.

12. Phone or camera: Camera. I enjoy my phone, but I prefer not having the distraction.
13. Health freak: Maybe a little. I like eating healthy, I like feeling healthy, but if something goes wrong, I'm probably not going to go to a doctor and hope it works itself out. I really don't like doctors. Or dentists.
14. Orange or Apple: Orange. I dislike apples very much.
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope, and probably never will.
16. Guy friends or girl friends: I love my guy friends, but I have more girl friends.
17. Piercings: The normal one-piercing per ear, but if a cosplay ever calls for another one in my ears, I'd be happy to oblige.
18. Pepsi or Coke: Neither. I'm not a huge Soda fan. But if you offer me rootbeer, we can talk.
19. Have you ever been in an airplane: Don't remind me, but yes. Many times, in fact. And my dislike continues to grow.
20. This was blank. As was six.
21. Have you ever been in a car accident: Yep, multiple times, but never of my own creation, nor was I ever in the driver's seat. 

22. Have you been in a fist fight: *Grins* Do you really have to ask that? Well, yes, I have indeed.
23. First piercing: My right ear, but the piercer did it wrong, so I had to wait for it to heal before trying again.
24. Best friends: Ooh, I have some of those, but I ain't naming names.
25. First award: Award? Uh...Mm....child's basketball trophy, I guess? I don't actually remember, but that's the earliest, I think...
26. After reading question twenty, you went back to check and realized there wasn't a question six. Yeah, it was blank, so I deleted it~
27. First word: I've been told before, but I can't remember. I think it was 'Da' or something. I'm starting to wonder if my parents confused baby language with words...
28. Any talent: Haha, yeah, but that's for me to know and for you to guess on. 

29. Last person you talked to: My brother when he came into my room to find my kitten. I asked 'what?' and he didn't reply. Does that count as talking?
30. Last person you texted: Uh...my friend whom I met at a convention.
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Me, myself, and I. In other words, I don't remember. Probably my dad and brother?
32. Last person you ate: Ooh, that's a tricky one. I think it was...no, that wasn't the last...Mm...I...no....Aha! It was the red one! The red sour patch kid was the last one out of the box that I ate :3 I'm so glad I remember~

33. Last movie/TV show you watched: Supernatural reruns or Castle reruns. The movie would be a rerun of Fast and Furious (TV is my go to when bored~)
34. Last song you listened to: I'm listening to Can't Control Myself - Krewella - Nightstep right now.
35. Last thing you bought: *Blushes* Uh....Yeah, about that...I was at a convention and, uh, you know...stuff.
36. Last person you hugged: ...My brother tackle hugged me from behind today, catching me off-guard. Does that count? If not, then I hugged a friend two weeks ago. 

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