Ch. 7 (RoyalChaos End)

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I sprint down the street, checking the clock on my phone multiple times. 2:40.

I breath heavily as I enter the station, approaching the front desk. "I need to talk to someone about today's execution in twenty minutes. Please."

"Okay, hun. Down that hall, to the right." The woman at the counter points in the direction of the interrogation room.

I heard commotion inside. Anthony's voice.

I open the door, on the verge of hyperventilating. "Please...stop..."

The woman I was talking to earlier was sitting there with Anthony on the other side, sitting in the seat I once sat in, where I told her all about him. How he killed them. But in reality...

I need him.

"He's not the killer..." I pant, wrapping my arms around Anthony. "I'm sorry..."

He kisses my cheek.

The woman raises an eyebrow. "Who is, then? His fingerprints matched the knife perfectly."

"Adam Montoya." I say, almost angrily. Anthony saw the anger in my eyes, but he refused to defend his 'friend'. Maybe they aren't close after all.

"I was on the phone with him." Anthony says. The kitchen knife," He points to the knife on the table in front of him, with fingerprints on paper next to it. "I was using it as a defensive weapon. To protect Steven. When Adam swung at me, I did what I could to stop him, I swear I didn't mean to..." A tear falls down his cheek. "Yes, I tried to stab Adam. But it wasn't in my right mind. I ended up almost killing my boyfriend, and I regret it so much..."

"Now that I think about it..." The woman flips through the pages of fingerprints. "These don't match." One sheet had fingerprints that didn't match Anthony's or mine, which were both on the knife.

Anthony stole the knife from Adam's house.

"Yes, those are Adam's. I'm sure of it." I say. "We know where he lives, if you want us to--"

"I'll get a team on it right away. Steven, are you absolutely sure this man didn't use this knife on you?" The woman picks up the knife with her gloves.

Anthony gives me puppy eyes.

I nod frantically.

We both lied to a police officer's face. We're both dirty liars.

The woman sighs. "Alright. I trust in you, since you were the victim. We'll see what Adam has to say about this. It's Adam Montoya, correct?"

Anthony and I both nod.

"Thank you two for your cooperation. If we catch him, the execution is still on."

"E-Execution?" Anthony stutters.

"I saved your life. Love me, asshole." I punch him playfully.

Just as expected, Anthony pulls me into a kiss. We stand there for what feels like forever, until an officer tells us to leave.

Homophobic bi--

"You're not allowed to be in this room without authorization."

Oh. That makes more sense.

"Sorry sir." Anthony apologizes.

"Sorry." I apologize as well. Don't want them chasing our tails now.

My Little Mad Viking (RoyalChaos/GaLty)Where stories live. Discover now