One: Sent

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All I remember is moving in a box, dead asleep. I was moving up, into light. Was I going to Heaven? If so I can ask God what happened to my parents and supposedly my brother. I also remember getting shot with a needle.
I see the light. I hear voices. I don't know why I can sense all these things while I'm asleep. The voices are boys. They sound about my age. I guess they sound my age. I don't even know how old I am or even my name!
"Who is it?" Someone calls out.
"It's a... girl!" A male voice says and he sounds British. I try to open my eyes but fail miserably.
"Is she awake?" Another male voice asks.
"No." The British boy answers. He sounds very close to me.
"Ah... Why'd we get a girl? Girls do nothing!!" Someone says. WHAT?! I feel someone's hand clamped around my mouth. My eyes are open. I yelled that out loud. Oops!
"Hey hey calm down there!" The British boy says, still holding his hand on my mouth. I can barely breathe with it on. So I bite it!
"Oww!!" He screams. I don't regret doing it. He had a knife in his pocket!
"Why am I here? Who are you! Where am I?!" I ask. Everyone stares at me. Like they can't talk.
"Oh come on. I know you can talk. You were talking dirty about girls just a second ago!" I say to all of them. The British boy chuckles.
"Are there any girls here?" I ask.
"Nope! I'm Newt. This is Thomas. And you'll learn the rest of the guys names later." He says. I look at Thomas. He looks familiar and his name is familiar. I look at him longer. Oh my God!? That's my brother. I get up and run to him.
"Thomas!! Is it really you?" I say hugging him tightly.
"Umm... Do I know you?" He says looking at me confused.
"I'm your sister Thomas!" I say. His eyes brighten. He pulls me into another hug.
"Catherine!!" He says. I start crying happy tears. I start laughing. He does the same.
"Uhh. Hello?" Newt says awkwardly. "Sorry to break the family reunion, but I need you to come with me." He says pointing to me.
I follow him.
"So... Catherine's your name?" Newt asks.
"Uhh, yah, I guess. Or you can call me Cat." I answer.
"Huh. I like that name!" He says. I realize he's been staring at me this whole time.

The Maze Girl {maze runner}Where stories live. Discover now