Weird situations

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Rachel's POV
I walk out to the throne room to check on Pan, he was out like a light. I sat down on the couch that faced the demon himself and wondered where my true allegiance lied. I could continue the plan I set with my mother and take over Neverland, but I can't. I forgot how much I loved it here and I would never intentionally ruin that. Maybe I should live in the moment more instead of plotting my every move before it happens. Right now I need to focus on getting Pan back to himself, then I'll go from there.
"Hey Rach!" Ruby whispered from across the room. I ran over to her.
"I have an idea."
" We wanted to show Pan what he couldn't have right?"
"And he doesn't love us, but he still thinks we're his property right?"
" Then let's show him what he can't have." Ruby smirked.
"What do you mean?"
"God do I have to explain everything? Ok how can I explain this? Oh Felix, like I said Pan still thinks we're his property, when he saw me with Felix and realized that he couldn't control me he got jealous/frustrated/ angry you get it?" She asked.
"Yeah but that's for's is this gonna work for me?"
"Is there any guy you can think of that Pan would totally loose his shit if he saw you with him?"
"Um yeah, Henry,Henry Mills. He was the prince of The Enchanted Forest......But that was 100 years ago. He's worm food by now!" I exclaimed.
" Rachel last time I checked, we are badass magic bitches. We can probably make a fake version of him, and pass off a bullshit story to Pan about how Henry's magically alive and well and hasn't aged a day."
" That could work but what's your plan?"
" I already told you, we show Pan what he can't have and that he can't do anything about it!"
"Ok let's go cook up a Henry."
We walked over to the kitchen and stood in front of Ruby's magic mirror (I guess all children of the Evil Queen just automatically have one).
"Ok now stand right in front of the mirror and think of Henry, then throw this potion on the ground and then you'll have a wakin talkin Henry." Ruby instructed me.
I stood directly in front of the mirror, and thought of Henry and the time I spent with him. As I think back I realize that even though it was based off of fictional memories I really did love Henry which is gonna make it substantially harder to catch him up on everything.
I looked up to the mirror and there he was, he walked out of the mirror, here we go.
Ruby's POV
I was utterly painful to see Rachel try to explain everything to "Henry" I ducked out, I need to find Felix.
I walk the path  back to camp, when I got there it looked like the last time I saw it. I asked one of the Lost boys where Felix was, the boy told me Felix was at target practice. Ooooo I can surprise him.
I concentrate and tried to "poof" myself there. I did, but I was in front of the target and an arrow was coming right at me. I caught it,
"What the hell man!" I yelled at Felix.
"Don't yell at me where the hell have you been!"
"It hasn't been that long stop whining." I throw the arrow on the ground.
"Ohhhhhhh yeah.....well I've been trying to fix your best friend so your welcome!" I took a step towards him.
"Oh so I'm supposed to be thanking you for disappearing with no warning at all!" He took a step towards me.
"Yeah basically." I took own more step towards him, by now we were about 3 inches away from eachother.
"Well I'm not" he said.
I leaned towards his ear and whispered.
We gazed into each other's eyes for just a moment, then I smashed my lips on his. I jumped, putting my legs around his waist and he pushed me up against a tree.
" Two months is too long" I say breathlessly as he was leaving kisses down my neck.
"Your helping Pan it's fine." He said in between kisses.
"About helping Pan....." He put me down and stopped all the kissing(which made me sad).
" I need your help Felix."
I then explained to him everything that's happening and my plan. We then walked back to Rach's castle.
We met up in the kitchen.
"All caught up?" I ask Rachel.
"Yeah you?" She asks.
"Yeah.....ok everybody lets get this show on the road!"

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