The Offer

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P.s so in The first episode of race to the edge Astrid tells Hiccup that he needs to think about his future so instead of the whole dragon eyes I'm making it that this happened enjoy:)

Hiccups P.o.v

I trudged through the village with my head down. What Astrid said was playing through my head, did I really have to move on? But what's next for me and toothless, what can we do? I looked up to find myself at the forge, I smiled at the memories this building held and went into my study thing. Papers were everywhere not a single patch of wall could be seen. One drawing of me and Gang stood out above the rest, i stared at it remembering the old days when we were all together. Those were good times, going on adventures, fighting enemies man I miss those days.

"Come on bud lets go home" I sighed and be scratched Toothless's head. He cooed at me nudging my side.

"I'm fine" I assured but I'm not sure I am. I mean everything is changing and I just miss the old times. I never really liked the idea of growing up but now it was happening and I couldn't stop it. To say I was fine was a complete lie I was scared and frightened I didn't know what to do. Suddenly it became hard to breath and I grasped onto my bench taking deep breaths. I was having a panic attack and I needed to calm down. Toothless was warbling and nudging my leg. I smiled down at him and fell to the floor as my knees gave up. I simply sat there for a moment stroking toothless I cleared my mind of everything before heaving myself up.

"Let's go home" I said for the second time and walked out. I followed behind toothless all the way home looking at my feet again. Rain started falling lightly making me walk faster I really didn't need my peg leg rusting up.

The warmth from the fire attacked my skin when I walked into my house. Dad sat in his seat carving something and tapping his foot which meant that something important was up.

"Um.....hey dad" I mumbled. Man who knew that one conversation could get me so down.

"Son your home, good, I need to tell you something" Dad said standing up. This can't be good. Dad rubbed his hands together and let out a shaky breath.

"Okay Hiccup now don't take this the wrong way and don't think I'm pressuring you but what do you think about Chief Training" he said looking at me with a hopeful expression. At first I was shocked at the motion he had put forward but then I thought about it I'm 16 now so chief training did make sense. My mind drifted back to what Astrid said maybe this was my ticket to my future but I have to get some more information first.

"Where is the chief training being held?"

"On Bog Burglar Island and it will be instructed by the Chieftess Bertha."

"Will I be alone or training with someone?"

"You'll be training with Camzazi Bertha's daughter do you remember her?" Dad questioned I racked my brain for any mention of Camzazi. I smiled as the memories of us a young kids came crashing through. We used to hide from my father so I wouldn't have to leave and I remember she also always had a smile on her face. I remember the old nick name I have to her Cammie, when I gave her the nickname she practically burst with joy saying that it was her first ever nickname that was when we were about five I think. If Cammie is there maybe it won't be so bad but I guess I haven't seen her in 10 years so she could've changed (they last saw one another when they were 6 and now they're 16)

"So what do you think son" Dad said eagerness dripping from his voice.

"For how long?" Once the words left my lips dads face dropped a bit and he his eyes were tinted with a layer of sadness.

"Well it will take 4 years to complete" Dad sighed. Okay wow 4 years that's a long time without dad, without Gobber, without the Gang and without Astrid and maybe even....

"WAIT CAN I TAKE TOOTHLESS" I yelled my eyes widening at the thought of being separated from my best friend for so long. Well best not human friend. Dad chuckled at my reaction but I thought it was a very reasonable way to act. Seriously how would you feel being away from the person who literally changed your life and made everything better.

"Aye son you can take the dragon with ye and I have managed to convince Bertha to consider you taking care of their dragon problem and training them as a sort of trade for the training you'll get" dad said and I could see excitement in his eyes and hear hope in his voice. To be honest I'm not really that fussed I know a few days ago I would've been screaming and yelling but after that one conversation with Astrid I have a totally new look at this offer. I knew I would miss every one so so so much but if it makes dad happy then I think I should do it. It's time I start thinking about the future. No matter how much I don't want too.

"If I do it when would I leave?"

"Well the sooner you leave the sooner you return and its a three day to Bog Burglar by boat so by dragon that probably about..." Dad began stopping to try and do some math. I chuckled at my father's concentration to figure out something so simple.

"About 7 hours dad" I said and he gave me a glare. Dad muttered something about me being a 'smartass' under his breath.

"I was getting there. Any way you would most likely have to leave in three days" he said and sat back down into his seat. I looked towards toothless who had been watching the whole thing. His eyes bore into my own and I could feel the excitement and curiosity radiating from all around him. I smiled thinking of the new set of adventures we could have with Cammie.

"Dad?" I asked and he looked up from the fire.

"I'll go" I said letting go of a breath I didn't realise I was holding.
Whoop whoop so I can't remember if a mention this but this is probably gonna be only a five part story cause this is just kinda like an extended one shot but I hope you like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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