Coffee & Stalkers

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Stiles smiled at the barista as he grabbed his coffee. Ben, Stiles' dorm mate, slowly followed behind, looking a little freaked out. 

"You ok, Ben?" Ben shook his head, looking towards Stiles. 

"Uh ya, guess I'm just seeing things." Stiles raised an eyebrow, telling him to continue. "It's nothing. Just since we left the library I keep seeing this guy out of the corner of my eye, but every time I look he's gone. I think I stayed up too late studying last night, I need sleep." 

Stiles chuckled & took a sip out of his coffee. "You're not imagining it, I saw him too." 

Ben's eyes went wide. "Should we call the cops?" 

Stiles laughed again. "Nope." 

"But he's been stalking us." 


Ben eyed him skeptically. "Then what should we do?" 

"Nothing, he'll approach us." 

Ben's eyes went comically wide again. "What? Are you sure we shouldn't call the police?" 

Stiles nodded. "Just wait." 

Sure enough five minutes later, after Ben had a panic attack, Stiles' personal stalker made his way across the street to the coffee shop. The bell above the door rang as he entered, & he didn't break eye contact with Stiles as he made his way over to their table. Ben was freaking out the entire time. Stiles crossed his arms & settled the man with an unamused look. 

"You're getting rusty, creeper wolf. I spotted you back at the subway station." 

Peter chuckled as he sat down next to Stiles & pecked his lips. Ben sat with his mouth hanging open, gaping at the scene in front of him. 

"Wait a minute, you knew he's been following us all day? And did you just kiss him?" Stiles smiled. 

"Yup. Ben, this is Peter. Peter, this is my roommate Ben." 

Peter smiled at him, while Ben continued to gape. 

"Wait. Peter, as in your boyfriend Peter?" 

"That'd be the one." 

"Why was he following us?" Stiles laughed & leaned into Peter's side. 

"Because he's an over protective creeper, it's in his nature. And you, mister, weren't suppose to get here till tomorrow night." 

Peter smiled at him. "I wanted to surprise you." 

Stiles hummed. "Color me surprised. But for now on, you knock on my door instead of scaring the crap out of my friends, ok?" 

Peter chuckled. "You can blame Derek for this one. He wanted me to test if you were being observant without weekly training." 

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Of course so. Tell our oh mighty sour leader, that I'm perfectly fine. Actually no, we'll Skype him tonight so I can tell him off." 

Peter laughed. "Very well, love." 

Ben was looking at them like they lost their ever loving minds. "You guys are weird." 

Stiles & Peter laughed again. "I can't argue with that."

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