Chapter 3

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Azhar pic on the side....

I was heading home afternoon after work. It was quite dark and I was walking alone in a dark and lonely street. Well, I was a bit scared....

"You went so soo-" I was singing when I felt someone grabbing me from behind. I struggled between his huge hands but in vain. He dragged me and pulled me in a black ford van. While striving, I noticed someone from behind,
" Help, help!" I shouted but the kidnapper covered my mouth. All I could see was that, I was sitting between two men in black, then all became blurred and black.

When I woke up, my head was aching. I then realised that I was In a room, I don't know whose. I got up and recalled what had happened

Grabbed me from behind

Two men in black

"Kidnapped" I screamed out of sudden. The door banged. He was standing there shirtless with a tight grey pants...He smirked devilishly...With that, I started stepping backwards. ..
Three...then shit, I hit the wall. I saw him approaching me. I closed my eyes and started reciting I don't know what coz I was that scared. I felt him leaning to me and whispered
" Remember Me?"
Huh I didn't know what to do or say. The fright which I had inside me soon changed into anger. Without realising, I slapped him.

"Fuck! I've saved your life and that's my reward? Now you gotta make it up to me or else?" He yelled at me.

"Or else what huh?" I replied

"I bet you wouldn't wanna know" he chuckled. While dealing with him, my eyes suddenly fell on the door who was slightly opened. Seeing that, I smiled to him.

"What? Does this situation where you are now make you feel like this?" He asked

"Take that for you, Son Of A bitch" With that I pushed him and sprinted out of the room.
There was a long hallway which seemed endless...Thank God I found I found my way. Reaching Outside, I ran, ran and ran till I was very far away from this hell.

I found my house. I entered silently trying as hard as I can not to wake Azhar up. I rushed to my room and jumped on my bed. I grabbed a pillow and pulled my head inside...Tears were rolling down my checks endlessly....

When I got up, it was Monday....My head was aching like shit...Grabbing whatever clothes I needed, I headed to the bathroom and filled the tub. I removed my clothes, threw my robe over me and sat on the vanity of my bathroom. After taking a nice shower, I dressed up for school. I came downstairs and started making breakfast.
"Morning bro, what's up?" I broke the silence.
"Huh good morning, actually I'm going to Adam's place where we both gonna head to Manhattan, hmmm we've got some business
...sooo you gotta take care of yourself sisi"
"No prob Coco...I'm used of staying alone ....hereeee you goo with your sandwich" I sighed....
"Huh btw where were you last night?" Now he asked in a serious tone.
"Hmm actually I spent the night at Sarah's, we threw a Pyjama party" I lied
"Ohhhh I see¡¡¡¡okay then I'm leaving. Take care of yourself" He said while placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Salaam" with that I gulped my victoria sandwich and rushed to school.....

"Hey there, Sarah!!" I waved at her "Sooo what's up for today?"...

"Uhh!! Nothing great!! I've got to babysit my little bro" she replied.

She walked me to my next class and as far as I could, I tried to keep the incident of last night for me. I had Physics the first two periods. I usually sat alone coz sarah's schedule differs from mine.

"Good morning dear students...sooo I've great news...We've got a new student" Mr . Anderson greeted as he said

With that someone entered, I was dumbfounded to found him standing there. Gosh!!! I felt like crap.

He started, " Sooo presenting myself, I'm Zakayria Abdel. I've just moved here in California along with my parents, uhhhhmmmm actually I'm a really bad converser, soo here I'm"

"So kids plzzz be kind to him...And the latter would be sitting hmm" God don't say next to me, I bet I'll kick off your ass "Yeah good, go and make yourself comfortable next to Miss Taa'ha"

Fuck him!!!! The sexy guy came and smirked at me. God It was far from possible to follow the class coz sitting beside him was kimd of 'bizarre'.

The rest of the day passed by in a normal style and didn't end up in a fuss. Nothing weird or extraordinary happened.
As soon as the bell rang, I immediately set off toward the parking lot, feeling a bit excited bout the idea of finally going home. I quickened my pace as I was feeling hungry.

"Not too fast sweetheart" With that I turned and was agape to face him again.
" See Mr.Whoever You R, I don't wanna deal with you, please leave me alone....Sorry I'm in a hurry, bye" With that I exited not caring bout his reply.

School now will be like hell...I can feel that.....

Author's Note:
Hey guys, I'm gonna update the next chapter in a few days....

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