The Average Life of Not-So-Average Teenagers

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                                                                            Chapter 1


Secrets. They can make you, or they can break you, but in the end, we all have them. The thing about secrets is, they never really stay hidden for long. Someone is always going to find out, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes you find out with out meaning to. That's how it was with me and Molli. We didn't mean to find out. It just sort of happened. Honestly, in the beginning we couldn't stand each other. I thought she was just some spoiled, rich brat with a guitar. And she thought I was a punkie nobody who lived to get into trouble. Hey, maybe she is a spoiled rich brat with a guitar. Maybe I'm a punkie nobody who lives for trouble. I don't think we even know who we are. But at least we know we share something. We both have secrets we don't want anyone to know.


I can still remember the first time we met. It was in ninth grade. I had just changed school for the fifth time. I walked into the room, and that's when it began. We had an immediate dislike for each other. It wasn't a hate, but it was definitely a dislike, and me being me, the first thing that came out of my mouth immediately made her hate me. I just have that way with people.

She was hanging out with her friends at what I asumed to be the popular table. I was half-way right. Molli was- still is- extremely popular. She's filthy rich, she can sing, and she's really pretty. But Molli isn't the popular girl. She isn't the cheerleader-dating-the-quarterback popular girl. She's the musical popular girl. She's just as popular as the cheerleaders, don't get me wrong, she's just not the type of popular I thought she'd be.

Of course, I didn't know any of this when I first met her.

I walked in, went over to her table, sat down, placed my dirty combat boots on the table, and watched the shocked expressions appear on their faces. And trust me, there were lots of shocked expressions. What I wasn't expecting, however, was for her to recover from the shock so fast.

She looked at me with utter disdain. "Go away." Now it was my turn to be shocked. 'Go away'? No smart remark, no stupid comment? Just 'go away'?

Well, this is new, I thought.

So, I put on my best smirk. "Who's gonna make me? You? I wouldn't think you would dare. You might break a nail." The entire table was silent, waiting for her to reply. Obviously, confrontation like this didn't happen here. They never saw me coming.

I often wonder what they thought of me when I first came. I wasn't dressed like any of them in any way. They were all dressed so normal. She was wearing a Rolling Stones tank top, ripped jeans, and lovely bright red and white Converse. All the others were basically the same.

I stood out like a storm cloud on a sunny day with my black combat boots, black jeans, and grey t-shirt. The only thing that I had going for me that was bright and sunny was my mop of blonde curls.

The girl gave a flip of her hair in that irritating popular person way and gave me a sarcastic smile. "You know what? You're right, I WOULD break a nail. I just had them done yesterday. But, the person who belongs in that seat," she paused, making her message clear, "isn't worried about breaking a nail."

I put my hands up, signalling I knew when I had lost. "Alright, alright. I'll go. But, sweetie, you're not the only one who can flip things. But," I smiled wickedly, "I prefer to flip something a little stronger than my hair." On that note, using both hands as I held them high in the air, I flipped her off. The entire room gasped. I walked away, leaving everyone hanging, and walked to an empty table in the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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