Chapter 1

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"Party for you, me, and popularity." My best friend states with a pleading look as I slam my locker shut.

"No." I stated calmly.

The weekend...

Find it...

Damn i forgot the homework...

If she sees me, i'm in deep shit...

Why wont the fucker notice me?...

The thoughts of the people littering the hallways piled up into my head. I forced my own thoughts to resurface and drowned out the rest of the unnecessary internal conversations.

What was I talking about again?

Oh right the party.

I wouldn't be caught dead at that party.

But I mean why not give her  some false hope? Its more fun that way. 

"I'll go to the party on one condition" I said with a smirk playing on my lips.

Her head shot up at my words and her head was nodding forcefully before she even knew my proposal.

"Finally!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes. "You have to stick by me at all times...and no boys." 

She was left staring at me with her mouth hanging open as she realized exactly what I was saying.

 "You know what? I think I should let you have your alone time at home. I can survive at the party by myself." She countered her previous decision.

Not to mention thrive... Her mind finished.

I nodded and laughed lightly at her change of mind.

"Whatever Steph, let's just get to class before Mr. Dugan flips." I said with a small smile gracing my face.

With that, we turned and walked into first period.


"What's wrong?" She asked, leaving me under an intense gaze.

"Nothing." I said nonchalantly, waving the question off.

We were currently sitting on the hood of Stephanie's car looking at the stars littering the sky.

Well that's what I was doing. Steph was still trying to get me to go to the party without the deal.

"Then why won't you just go to the damn party?" She pouted. I decided not to answer and closed my eyes along with drowning her out. She was the last person people thought I would be friends with.

She was just a cover. Why would I want to be friends with the popular girl? To cover my ass.

I listened to her thoughts bubbling and running through her brain. Maybe it was invasion of privacy. But its not like I could stop it even if I wanted to.

What is so wrong with going to a party?

Why won't she tell me what's wrong?

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