Dramatis Personae

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Dramatis Personae


Aliya Soter – former Ignian slave, aged 23, dreams of peace

Miriam Ferox – CelestialCities chief pilot, aged 24, dreams of the stars

Seth – survivor of the Caelum disaster, aged 16, dreams of a forgotten home


Hadrian Sapiens – Chief Executive of CelestialCities, aged 68, a man armed not with guns, but with hot chocolate

Damon Animus – astrophysicist specialising in celestial mechanics, aged 25, has an insatiable thirst for knowledge

Sheyda Lepos – astrogator and pilot, aged 28, identifies most with a jungle cat

Cassian Velox – astrophysicist specialising in astrodynamics, aged 28, mourns but smiles

Neron Catus – astrophysics apprentice, aged 18, spends most of his life in a state of bewilderment

Teleri Alauda – astrogator, aged 27, shy but a geek at heart

Marius Sana – ship doctor, aged 46, nurtures a very short temper


Milada Dux – General, commands the Redemption, aged 43, always ready to go down with the ship

Jagan Nayar – temporary commission, former Ignian slave, aged 24, revolution is in his veins

Harith Nayar – Sergeant Major, former Ignian slave, aged 18, worships his brother

Vanorra Sandyx – Major, chief pilot of the Redemption, aged 33, considers piloting a graceful art

Nikolase Fortis – Colonel, second-in-command of the Redemption, aged 37, fears the past

Caradoc Aquila – General-in-Chief of the Armada, commands the Jupiter, aged 61, often compared to a Tyrannian bear

Margryn Infigo – General, commands the Pythagoras, second-in-command of the Armada, aged 46, loathes disloyalty

Magnar Numen – Lieutenant, aged 24, often refers to himself as the best-looking cyborg who's ever lived

Ancharia Lea – General, commands the Knight, aged 35, said to be the greatest soldier in the entire Armada


Dragutin Ultor – Former Marshal of the Imperial Army, commands the Temujin, aged 52, haunted by blood

Troy Caesar – Former Brigadier, aged 35, plays the flute beautifully

Malvina Trajan – Former Brigadier, first officer of the Temujin, aged 39, covered head-to-toe in raven tattoos


Elil Talwar – Mayor of Arcadia, aged 28, loves bright colours

Sitara Kaur – Chief Councillor of Arcadia, aged 24, loves a good fight

Olundar Cicatrix – citizen of Arcadia and former pilot, aged 75, his face as scarred as his memories

Dong Tu Quan – leader of former complex Beta 27, aged 60, garbs himself in red silk robes


Ciara Lucis – survivor from Caelum, sister of deceased Sergeant Areth Lucis, aged 17, tortured by her memories

Nyx – travels with the Rosewing clan, aged 10, feared above all

Heulwen Rosewing – leader of the Rosewing clan, aged 46, a scholar of ancient literature

Glyn Rosewing – second-in-command of the Rosewing clan, aged 25, desperate to prove himself

Anubis Craiglock – leader of the Craiglock clan, aged 49, a master of deception

Lucan Macer – refugee, aged 33, just wants some peace and quiet

Valimir – refugee, aged 34, can't stand his sister

Varinia – refugee, aged 32, suspicious of everything that moves


Erebus – supreme leader of the Wraiths, age unknown, character unknown

Kratos – commander of one of the eighteen Wraith ships, age unknown, character unknown

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