The Recruitment

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Hey everyone, this my first book so it is going to be a bit rough. Anyway, if you want to be apart of the story with the personality, physical features, and anything else. Thanks for reading and enjoy! 


The poster was almost alluring. "Come join the brand new Air Force! Beat the Germans!". It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, I am strapped into a milk jug of an airplane flying at 100 feet above the ground with a German on my rear. Now, never mind my current predicament. I was 17 when I saw that poster. I thought, "Hmm, sounds like a good idea." Now, I wasn't the most physically fit of people. Ok, ok, so what? I was a shrimp. I was picked on in school, and hated bullies for that. I think that was my main drive to want to be in the Air Force. I always saw the Nazis as the ultimate bullies. I always felt that I wanted to be a part of the elimination of the biggest bully in the world. I finally bugged my parents into letting me go. When I got to the recruitment station, I passed the physical examination. Barely. I mean, I didn't have anything like asthma just that I was weak. Physically, not mentally. I had been a big flying nut since I was a little toddler. Planes are life for me. So, when they announced the formation of a flying branch of the military, I was ecstatic. When I finally got my deployment letter it read, "You are to report to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri immediately." I was so exited! Flying planes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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