Michael Jackson

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A tribute song for Michael Jackson. 

You are my lady killer favourite ghost! ;)

You were the first who taught me how to dance

I've had a good time trying to pretend I'm you

And every time you come out on the stage

Girls pass out, you're talking smooth

Is crazy how time's growing short

And suddenly you have to sort...so many things

But this is fate; life is not made to be forever

Insightful you place pieces back together

My songs and morals are defined by lessons

But now is not about me, is about Michael Jackson

He can't be old or dead

And all those rumors are as "true" as they said

But beside this entire thing that is irrelevant to me

You were the first man ever who made me cry

I was the drama queen of "Thriller"

Even now I'm wondering if you played a killer

If Annie is okay and what happened after that

I loved the moonwalk and the moment when you take off your hat

But this is fate; life is not made to be forever

At least you were brave enough to try to cross the river

My songs and morals are defined by lessons

I did mistakes and so did Michael Jackson

Seems like there's nothing else you can see

But if Michael Jackson was living, he wouldn't let this be

That car that drives you to the very end was cold

What you keep airborne is just a breath to hold

This isn't about wrong or right

In papers is just black on white

I'm waiting just to see something as bright as you

Do I ask for too much?

But this is fate; life is not made to be forever

You put your heart in music more than anyone ever

You've lived a dream in which you are blessed and so on

You can't fade away 'cause you are Michael Jackson

                                                                          With love,

                                                                            Loudwina Von Valeencina 

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