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"Oh, Yato! My poor, poor boy. I heard you were bit by the Love Beatle. He's never visited me, so could you tell me how he was? Or not. I guess . . . that's all you can do now. Seeing as there's duct tape over your mouth and all. Oh, please forgive me for that. I did try not to hurt you, but you were simply too gullible. You believed I was actually going to give you your precious Hiyori back? Ha-ha, wrong. You'll always be wrong, Yaboku. I, am always right."

The clouds dissipated and reformed around them, the only constant thing being the azure sky and the cold. The cloud beneath them seemed to be unlike its brethren and stayed solid, while the strong winds howled through the air and past their ears. His thoughts however, were much more like the ever-changing clouds, betraying Yato of his usually punctual composure.

Fujisaki (his "father" and captor) wore long, blood-red robes that draped over his body like fresh paint, and swayed in the breeze. Nora, or Chiki in this state, stood proudly by his side in her weapon form, a tall staff with an upside-down heart on the top where rings were attached and dangling at the bottom of it. The smirk on Fujisaki's face was unimaginably annoying, as well as the restrictions around Yato's arms and mouth, keeping him from moving or saying all the nasty things he wanted to. The cloud that he sat on was surprisingly uncomfortable and made his bottom feel numb, leaving a tingling sensation.

"Father," Nora piped up, "have I done well enough?"

Fujisaki chuckled evilly for a moment before responding. "Oh yes, quite well. Did you think it'd be this easy to capture her? Because I certainly didn't."

At the mention of "her" Yato stirred from his daze as his thoughts began to accumulate once more, to make a forced fierce expression. He knew that the person they were referring to was none other than his best friend, Hiyori Iki. He mentally scolded himself for allowing her to be captured. Yato tried to focus on the task at hand, but he couldn't shake the drowsy feeling that'd been taunting him ever since consciousness. Questions plagued his mind, but he was unable to answer. How had he gotten here? Why was he here? Where was Hiyori? Where was his hafuri, Yukine? More importantly, why was he on a cloud?

"Poor thing," Fujisaki continued, chuckling. "He doesn't even know where he is! Isn't that hilarious, Mizuchi?"

"Oh, yes. Quite funny," Nora agreed. "Should we show her to him? Or will it be too much for his mind to handle?" The last question sounded more like an unchangeable fact.

"He'll be just fine. It's better to show him while he's more heavily sedated so that he doesn't get overloaded with information. His small brain couldn't handle all the excitement. Mizuchi!" Fujisaki called.

Fujisaki's expression was fierce and evilly expectant as a bright light shined, and Nora (Mizuchi) appeared before them. As always, she was was dressed in her signature white dress with red and gold wrapping, accompanied by her always calm and gentle expression. Nora's short, black hair swayed in the breeze at the same tempo of Fujisaki's robes.

A slight smile was evident on her face as she turned around, and grabbed out into open air. Catching something, she turned to face them, except this time with a person's clothing in her hand. Yato's eyes, though dazed and drowsy, widened at the sight of the person wearing the clothing. Hiyori.

Fujisaki laughed out loud at his expression, while Nora only gave a small chuckle. Hiyori's body was limp and her skin was oddly pale. She wore her new school uniform consisting of a purple mini-skirt and white jacket, with a black blouse underneath. Her hair looked tangled and unclean with bits of mud and dirt clumping together, as it swayed in the breeze along with everything else.

"That was hilarious, Yaboku! Do it again! Oh, wait! Let me take out my camera phone first so I can save this memory forever." Fujisaki laughed maniacally while Yato cringed at the use of his alternative name. He hated it. "No? You won't do it? Would it help if I took the duct tape off? Fine, Mizuchi take the duct tape off him."

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Open. [Noragami One-Shot]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon