Chapter 2 It's summer and wait a party?!

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turntechGodhead [TG] begin to pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 3:25

TG: hey bro

TG: you will never guess what

TG: yo egdrupe

EB: hi dave!

TG: what tuck you so long?

EB: sorry dave my dad was making cake and I couldn't get past him.

TG: what you're not sitting in front of you're computer with cake all over you're face are you?

EB: what?

EB: haha

EB: no.

EB:  what gave you that idea?

TG: uhhh didn't you say last time the you're dad smashed a cake in you're face?

EB: yeah,but not this time!

TG: so you did get a cake to the face

EB: yeah.

TG: know it!

TG: anyway beside you getting a cake to the face

TG: I have to tell you something

EB: what? :B

TG: my bro said that I get to go to you're house in Washington

EB: .............................

TG: that is to meany pride's bro

TG: you okay?

EB: ow,yes I'm okay

TG: what happen?

EB: I fall out of the desk chair

TG: how?

TG: wait don't reply to that.

TG: I think,I know what happened,you fall out of you're chair cause you can't  wait to see you're best bro.

TG: and yeah,me and my bro will be over there tomorrow.  

EB: :B

EB: can't wait to meet you in prison!

EB: you're taking the plane?

TG: yup,I think the plane will leave at 5:00 pm

EB: you should get peaking then

TG: yeah,you're right.

TG: bye egdrupe

EB: bye dave see you tomorrow! :B

turntechGodhead [TG] stoped pestering ectoBiologist [EB]


You're name is Dave Strider and you will be going to you're best bro house tomorrow. Will better get you shit peaked. You flash steeped over to you're closet. but wait what was that? "HOLY SHIT!!!" oh shit it little Cal "BRO NOT FUNNY!!" you take little Cal off and storm out of you're room to find you're brother. but he is nowhere to be found,you let out a sigh and put little cal on the table and walk back to you're room to pack.

~hours of packing later~

you are done packing for you summer trip to  Washington lucky for you,you're bro will not be going with you. It'll just be you and John and his dad. you go lay down in you're bed and get to sleep.

~time skip to the next day~

Oh man today's the day! you get to meet john in real life and man you are both excited and nervous. You don't know why you're nervous but how cares. You wonder what he looks like? hmm well you'll just have to wait and see what he looks when you get there,lets not get a hand of you're self,you have a plan to catch and you are not going to miss it other. Hell fucking no,you are going to see you're best bro for fucks sake and you will not disappoint John. nope,just nope! now that you think about the plain you gave grabbed you suitcases and you're backpack and lave you're room and close the door behind you. "Bro I'm ready!" I yelled out to him and wait for him to scar the living shit out of you. "Yeah,hold you're houses little man." I ground "Bro!" I look up at him. "can we go now? it 4:00 am and I don't want to miss the plane." He gave me a nod and open the door and walked out. I rolled my red eyes under my shades and close the door behind me and lock it,then walked down the stairs. and ones you get to hall of the apartment that you shear with you bro. You walked out the door and to you're bros car,you take you seat in the passenger seat,and put on you're seat belt.

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