Chapter 1- The Chilling Encounter

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Levy pov

My lungs Fill up with the chilling winter air as I inhale through my mouth. I look down at the ground as snow flakes slowly build up below my traveling feet on the streets of magnolia.

It's about 7:20 in the morning and I'm heading to the guild. To be honest I don't really even know myself why I'm going there this deep in the winter so early, but I just felt like today will be a good day.

I have never really liked crowds so today will be very peaceful, I think to myself as I find myself struggling to even trudge through the thickening snow.

I begin to go about my journey a bit faster. The guild hall starts to come into sight and I sigh with a smile.

Once reaching the gigantic building I wait in front on the hall doors and do an up-down over view of the guild, it's so beautiful, I'm so glad to be part of this family.

I put my hands on the freezing nob of one of the giant doors and pull with all my might.

... Yet...

It won't budge.

"UGHHHH" my voice breaks.
I quickly turn making familiar with all my surroundings.

'Its ok' I tell myself. 'mira will be here soon'.

I walk to a park bench I saw before and dust off a spot to sit on.


'Aw crap' i think to myself.

"I'm NOT getting a cold" I quietly whisper to my self.

I think for a moment if what I'm doing is stupid and I should get somewhere warm, or if my reasoning is legitimate.

I quietly debate with myself for what seems like half an hour, enduring the cold.

I'm probably loosing my mind from hypothermia because I decide to go to the iron eaters house.

I don't really know what drew me there but It was the closest guild members house that I knew of.

And don't go judging, I only know where gajeel's house is because I had to 'cat-sit' Lilly once.

I get up from my spot and didn't realize how the cold had affected me because when I got up it took me a while to regain my footing.

I turn to in the direction of his house and begin walking.

Hi guys it's @tenroukids from insta lol this is my second story and I'm still working in my first but this is my first gajevy story and I have a really good idea for it, sorry this chapter was kinda really short but I just wanted to show like a lill introduction. (≧∇≦)
Oh ps I am not the great Hiro Mashima I sadly don't own these characters.

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