Chapter 3

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Levy POV
I wake up softly, for my eyes to be abruptly shaken by the sun shining through the window, just so, that it shines right on my face.

I grunt and roll over, pulling the blanket over my face as I silently wish it could still be dark.
I dose in and out faintly but can't fall back asleep for good so I face the ugly truth that I must get up.

I pull the covers off my body slowly and open my eyes to the floor just in case the sun is still in the same position.  My body shivers but I quickly get used to the temperature.

Yawning aloud I remember the happenings of last night. 'Psht, he probably still thinks I'm sick.' I think to myself. 'I'll show him. I'm perfectly fine now.'

Standing, a wave of dizziness comes over me, just the kind you get from standing up to quickly. I rub my temples with my index finger hoping it will make the insistent throbbing pain subside. It helps.
I wonder if he is still here. Is it polite to leave?

I go to open the door and turn the handle, shaking it back and forth I hear little cracking noises. The door is frozen shut.

I run back up to the couch and stand on my knees as I peer out the window above the couch.
Ahhhhhh! My eyes widen. "Snow!!!"
I have always adored snow, and since this is the first snow of the season I believe this is cause for celebration.

I wonder where Gajeel and Lily are so I investigate. I get off the couch and turn to the hallway, once I get there I peek my head in the hallway just in case. No Gajeel.
"HUH?" I say, louder than it was meant. I turn my head towards the bathroom to see lily emerge from it. My mind wanders as to how an exceed uses a human bathroom so easily but then I realize what I'm thinking about and I turn back to reality.
"Levy?" Lily asks, waving his paws.
"Where is Gajeel?" I ask. I quickly realize I should've said something before that.
"Good morning too." I say quickly.
"Morning levy." He mumbles. "Gajeel went to get breakfast about an hour ago. He should be back soon."
"But the door is frozen." I interject.
"Gajeel is a dragon slayer, remember? I'm sure he is strong enough to pry open the door." Lily says.
Oh yeah... I guess he is right so now all I can do is wait.
I then trudge over to the couch and sit down. I pull my knees up to my chest and cover my body with a blanket. I said I liked the snow, not the cold.

Lily enters the room and changes into his full form. "Are you feeling okay? Gajeel seemed pretty concerned last night." Lily says, digging into the fridge to grab a kiwi.
"I'm fine." I say. "He was just over reacting about the whole thing. I'm no damsel in distress." I pout.
Lily laughs at the comment.
"What's so funny about that?" I ask.
"Nothing... Well, it just seems normal to be grateful that someone helped you the way he has." Lily states.
Gosh, why are these exceeds so smart?
"Okay. I guess you're right. I'll apologize but totally make it known that I'm fine now. Fair?" I ask.
"With how stuffy you sound I'm sure he won't believe a word." Lily chuckles at me.
"Hey!" I throw a pillow at his head.
"WHAT THE-" I cut him off.
"I'm fine see." I say as I stand up holding up two fingers with both hands and shout.
"PILLOW!" I feel the magic course through my veins and and the word pillow appears floating in the air before disappearing as a pillow falls into my arms.
Lily looks up at me and I stare back. Well, for one and a half seconds before throwing the second pillow at him. It is then that Gajeel walks in to see a pillow fly across the room.
"Well someone seems energetic this morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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