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3 years later

Falen's P.O.V

"What inspired you to write this book?" one student asked me.

"Myself. The main character, Felicia, is in the same predicament I found myself in three years ago. I took my struggle and turned it into something prosperous," I replied.

"How does it feel being married to a celebrity?" another student asked.

"It's tough at times, always being in the media, but as long as you stay true to yourself, and the one you love, then nothing can break you," I replied.

"So, are you implying that the character Rich, is Roc?" another student asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," I replied.

"Well that's all the time she has for today folks. Thank you again Mrs. August for speaking here at Stanford," the preffesor said as I recieved the applause.


"Dada, look it's Mwickey Mwouse," Cameron laughed running off to Mickey. (Picture on the side)

I smiled at my son's enjoyment.

"I see him, let's go talk to him," he said running with him. 

I laughed at my two boys, they were so cute. It was just us, but not for long, because I'm pregnant and I just found out I'm having a girl!

I was tired from all the walking and my pregnancy pains were kicking in so I sat on the nearest bench. While I was sitting, I saw Roc and Cameron running around Disney World. Looking at them I never would've thought I'd be in the same predicament 3 years ago. I would've still been sleeping around, trying to get over Nolen, and never experiencing any form of love.  Now look at me. I'm 28 years old, married with a son and a daughter on the way. I am the youngest president, and ceo of Des modèles sophistiqués Inc., a bestselling author of my first book Making Changes, and the list is just being started.

After they had finished playing Roc and Cameron came to where I was.

"Mama, you missed it!! Mwe and daddy talked to Mwickey Mwouse," he said out of breath.

"You did Papa? Wow I'm sorry I missed that," I said hugging him.

"Minnie was all over me, I had to tell her I was married," Roc smirked.

"Yeah you better," I said standing up to kiss him.

"All that playing must have worn him out, look he's sleep on the bench," Roc said looking at our son.

"Well he had a lot of fun," I said.

"Well now that he's had his fun, it's time for us to have our fun," Roc said smirking and scooping up Cameron.

"I don't think she's gonna let me have any fun, my stomach is killing me," I said rubbing my belly.

"Well, we can cuddle in bed and I can take all your pain away," he said as we walked toward our suite.

"Cheesy, but tempting," I said kissing Roc just as the sun went down.

"This is perfect," he said.

"Yeah, it is."

But it would have never been possible, had I not made any changes.

The End.

Making Changes ( Roc Royal story)Where stories live. Discover now