Suicidal!Leo Valdez and Nico di Angelo.

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If you are an extreme fangirl, like someone I know *cough* Claire *cough* and gets affected by things like this, BE PREPARED FOR FEELS

This is a conversation between Suicidal!Leo Valdez and yourself, Nico di Angelo.

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: *He's sitting,against the bathroom door,You see Blood,lots of blood, Under the door,He's not moving so you can tell*...*You can sense his Life force,is weak and Flickering,there's a note,That Says Just the words"I'm sorry..I'm.. Sorry..I was weak.."*

Nico di Angelo: Leo... oh gods! Leo! *opens the bathroom door* D-don't you dare leave, Valdez. *shadow travels the both of them to the infirmary* W-Will! Someone! Please! HELP!

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: *Will comes running, To see a Nearly Head, Valdez in Your Arms*WHat Happened?..set Him down on the Bed Now! **Leos Face Pales,And He's shaking*

Nico di Angelo: *takes him to one of the beds* H-he tried to t-take his own life.... h-he's almost gone.... *his voice is shaky and he's on the verge of tears*

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: I Know A Way to Save Him Nico Quickly Come Over Here..*He Grabs An IV,After He starts Cleaning Leos Wounds, Another Apollo Kid runs over, As Leo speaks weakly*,.Nic...Nico...I'm.. Sorry...

Nico di Angelo: Leo... *goes over to help Will* What can I do?

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: blood transfusion...You Both have the same blood type right?..*He Sticks one end of the IV in his arm*..He's loss a lot of Blood if you arent the same blood type we're screwed

Nico di Angelo: I don't know what Leo's blood type is so I don't know if we're the same...

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: He's AB-...*He sighs*We have No Time!!!Do you know your Blood Type??

Nico di Angelo: *nods* I'm AB too.

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: Sit Down**He Fines a Vein,And Sticks the needle in it,*..If This works he'll be fine..Take his hand This might Hurt..

Nico di Angelo: Okay... *gently takes hold of Leo's hand* *whispers* You're gonna be okay, Leo

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: *Leo's, Hand is cold,But slowly starts warming up,As will Works on his Wrist*The Cuts are Deep Nico...

Nico di Angelo: *he doesn't say anything, he just silently sits there, his eyes closed, head tilted towards the floor*

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: Leo:..Nico...*Leo sounds like he's gonna cry*..Nico...

Nico di Angelo: *looks up and opens his eyes* Yes Leo?

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: I'm... Sorry...*His voice breaks*..I'm.. Sorry..*Tears start falling,*

Nico di Angelo: Leo, it's okay, you're gonna be okay. *half smiles*

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: **will,Pats your back,and Leaves*....But..I shouldn't have I..I'm..sorry...I...*He sits, Up weakly,His arms go around your neck,Hugging you,The IV getting caught on something*

Nico di Angelo: *hugs back* It's okay, Leo. Everyone makes mistakes.

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: ..*He sniffles,Eyes Red and puffy,You see the Bruises on Leo's collarbone,Shoulder and Neck*...Nico...I I..Am..Just...done with Everyone...they don't care about me..

Nico di Angelo: Well, that's their decision but I think they made the wrong one. And remember, I care about you, Leo, and I always will.

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: *He Looks into your eyes,*..W-Will you stay with stay?..

Nico di Angelo: Yes, I'll stay with you. *smiles faintly*

Suicidal!Leo Valdez: ..*He starts crying into your chest,Weakly gripping the back of your shirt*You probably think I'm crazy

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