bored boredom

14 3 0

Boredom foredom soredom
My mind is whirling around
Not knowing what to do at all
Stare at the wall for to long
Eventually it might even move
Or is that because i been staring
For way to long at a empty space
Maybe ill get some crayons for fun
And make a beautiful picture here upon the wall of my canvas to see
Ill swirl the crayon around a lot
Make silly little faces on the wall to ill prance dance away from the sky and fall through the clouds fast
Hanging on to a tree branch now
Making annoying long loud sounds as you look up at me in annoyance pop boom squishy messy bang zoom
Am sure this poem will annoy you but i really don't care if it does so color on the walls and be annoying make annoying awkward sounds Bing oing qing my new words dope

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