Sudden Horror

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That moment when your left in shock,
Left sad,
Left speechless,
You feel your heart either race, or drop.

It's during unexpected moments when this happens, sometimes you can prepare for it, most times you can't, but maybe I should of prepared for this...

For about the past 6 months, my girlfriends family has been introducing her to guys to get to know then eventually marry. It was 2 months ago roughly that she told her parents about me and that I was white, they thinking I am invincible to them, they ignored her words of truth. Though the introducing of others continued, Today however was different, literally heart stopping.

When my girlfriend told me that her parents found a guy in America that wanted to marry her, my heart stopped.  Reason being 2 things: 1. They don't think I'm really into their daughter and decided to continue the search for a guy, and 2. The fact that the guy, the guy HIMSELF, wanted to marry her. From what I have been told, it was mothers before that suggested their son to marry my girlfriend; not gonna happen.

I know my girl has declined numerous offers for me, for the one who really turned her negative life into a positive future for her to have.
It's just this one really got to me. Like I said, my heart dropped probably because I really miss you and love you. But there's the missing piece as to why this happened surprisingly,
why it happened now,
but I guess that's what horror does to you. It's unexpected and leaves you hanging on what it hides....
The truth...


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