Before the beginning:

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Day 294
"My journey has been long and far. The war is leading the clan to extinction.
The hellfire warrior is bringing the clan down also the frozen master is not doing what he should be doing. Tomorrow I will return back home and hopefully I can fight for the name of grandmaster.

Day 295
I have returned home and I am greeted by the grandmaster. I saw a perfect opportunity for the taking but I feared the lost the time for the battle has not come. Hopefully I can summon enough before I leave again.

Day 296
Today I caught someone reading my journal hopefully he hasn't gotten to yesterday's page. I decided I shall confront the grandmaster tomorrow if I am lucky. I will pray to the elder gods tonight to have me win.

Day 297
Today I was summoned by the grandmaster himself. He said he has heard of my plan to over thrown him. He gave me the rules. If I won he would leave the clan and survive on his own and I will gain control of the Clan but if I lose I will be forever banished and will be dishonored. I accepted the battle and lost. I am leaving tomorrow to join a new clan a rivals clan. Im setting out to join the shirai ryu.

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