chapter 9

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We loved having the babies around they actually brought us closer and we feel like a complete family with them here. its been 4 days now and we are finally taking the girls out for the first time since coming home from the hospital. we are going out to eat with some friends. I was getting Aubree dressed while Landon was getting Alyssa dressed. he absolutly was in love with the girls. When they would cry in the middle of the nigh he would rush up and go check on them and then get them a bottle while i would stay in the room with them. The girls were in Aubree's room during the night time because they needed to be together and also because her room is closer to ours so we can get there fast if they need us. " hey are you ready to go?" Landon asked me. "yeah im putting Aubree in her car seat!"  "ok" he said while bring Alyssa to the car.  " Here get aubree and put her in the car...i will be right there." i said walking back upstairs. He put the girls in the carseat as i was putting on shorts and a cute tank top i sprayed perfume on and quickly went down stairs. We got to the restraunt and i grapped Aubree and carried her in and Landon got Alyssa. Aubree mostly was a Mama's girl and Alyssa was a Daddy's girl and only wanted her daddy! so its a good thing we had two! i walked in and saw our friends siting at a table so i walked over and sat down. i took Aubree out of her carseat because she started to cry and i started to calm her down. All the girls there wanted to hold the girls so i was passing Aubree around while Alyssa was asleep. They both still slept alot because they were still tiny, but Aubree was up most of the time and Alyssa was always asleep and calm so we could always tell them apart. Aubree started to cry so i took her and started making a bottle to feed her and them Alyssa woke up to so hard having to babies... and its really diffrent going out with friends because we were always so busy with the girls. we all decided to go walk around the mall. Landon just wanted to go home and sleep i took both girls with me. we got to the mall and i bought them a whole bunch of clothes and shoes. .. i spent over $300 in just one store! it was really crazy having the girls because i just wanted to buy them everything i saw..and i did! i left the mall spending over $600 just on them two! we left and the whole car ride home they just slept. i pulled in the drive way and called Landon to help me come carry the girls in and bags in from the store and he did awnser! so i grabbed both the girls and walked in the house. I walked in a noticed the window was broken and opened.  I looked around and saw that everything was missing! Someone broke into our house! I grabbed both the girls and drove to my friends house that was to house down from mine and told her. i was freaking out because Landon wasent there and someone broke into our house while i was home alone with the girls! she told me to call the cops so i did! they told me to stay at her house and i would get a call from one of them when they arrive at my house! i was freaking out. i looked down at my phone and Landon was calling so i picked it up and awnsered. " hello?" i said. and this strande voice came on and i didnt know who it was. i started freaking out and then hung up...but before i hung up i heard screaming! i started shaking because i was so scared and the girls just kept crying. i picked up Alyssa and my friend picked up Aubree we started feeding the girls and then put them in there bassent that she has at her house and i just layed down and cryed untill i got a call from the cops.

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