3 :: mailboy // luke

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"Luke, wait up!" I heard someone yell behind me.

Oh god.

I stop in my tracks, waiting for the obnoxious voice to catch up.

"Hu-" I was cut off by my face being slammed into the ground.

"Get off me you lunatic" I groaned with the body on top of me who just ran over me, "now my hair's ruined"

"That's right, it must be today and you gotta impress your girl" he smirked.

"We're not together yet, Ashton" I chuckled, "and give me your bag again please" I pulled his bag off his shoulder and dug through, finding the letter.

"Uh" I held his bag closer to my face, "Why does it smell?" I shoved his bag into his hands, placing the letter into mine.

"I spilled cereal on it this morning" he said like it was nothing.

"Gross" I snorted.

We started slotting the mail into mail boxes, Ashton loudly blabbing on about some weird stuff I honestly don't give a shit about.

"Here, do these for me" I handed Ashton a few of my letters and walked up to Olivia's house.

I never have to put the letter into her mailbox because she is always there waiting, drawing in her sketch book or drinking a hot cup of coffee in the chilly Autumn weather.

"Good morning, Olivia" she lifted her head from the book she was reading and smiled at me.

Oh my fucking god was she perfection. The way she would smile at me, her dark brown hair matching her chocolate brown eyes perfectly, and every time she would go to grab the letter our hands would touch and I swear she's from heaven.


"Good morning Olivia!" I heard Ashton practically screech behind.

"For fuck's sake" I muttered under my breath as he walked up to her, charming her with his weirdly attractive face and stupid personality.

Why is he even my best friend?

"Anyway" I heard Ashton end his chat with Olivia, "We must be off to deliver these letters" he smirked, walking a few steps and gesturing me to come.

She smiled at me before saying goodbye, turning around and walking back up to her door.

Just do it

"Wait" I almost screamed.

She turned around, a confused look on her face.

Just... be smooth

"I was wondering.. if you maybe wanted to go out sometime, uh, maybe tonight? Like a date maybe?" (an; shit luke slow down! soz i know it escalated real quick but whateves) I stuttered awkwardly, wondering if that was even the right thing to say to pick up a really pretty girl.

"Sure, but um, you don't mind if I get your phone number?" she asked.

"No" I smiled, "I don't mind"

I pulled out my phone from my bag, unlocking it and handing it to her as she gave me hers, quickly filling in my details.

"Well, I'll text you later, yeah?" I said hopefully, watching her slowly back up to her door.



"Oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god I got her number! Ashton, are you listening?" I nudged him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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