Untitled Part 1

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You wake up the next morning and briefly forget where you are. Rapidly sifting through dream-drenched thoughts and memories, the previous night comes sliding back to you in all its delectable glory.

Right now you are in Ed Sheeran's bed. Those are Ed's multi-colored arms tucked around your middle, holding you snug against him. This is Ed's scent you can smell, all bar soap, cigarettes and natural musky boy scent. Yum.

You open your eyes a little more, trying to adjust to seeing your surroundings bathed in swathes of morning sunlight streaming in from the massive windows that essentially make up one wall of the suite. You feel Ed stir behind you and one arm goes missing from your waist, as you hear a decidedly unhappy groan.

You shift your position so you're half lying on your back now and looking at him. He's got one arm flung over his eyes, covering them.

"I feel like a vampire," he grumbles.

Damn, he looks cute with his orange hair all floppy messy, random tufts sticking up in varying directions with seemingly no rhyme or reason.

"Of the sparkly variety?" You inquire, a giggle threatening to break free. I mean, his name IS Edward, technically, and you like poking fun at him.

"What?" He's giving you the side eye and looking at you as if you've lost your mind. "No. It's all this sunlight!"

He grabs the covers and pulls them over his head, like a petulant toddler who thinks that hiding will render him invisible.

"I forgot to draw the blinds before we fell asleep last night," a muffled, disembodied voice tells you.

"You know it won't actually kill you, right?" You're quite amused at this point. You've never seen someone get so grumpy about curtains and daylight.

Orange locks and those ocean blues pop up over the cover, but only that. He's still hiding, the duvet drawn up over his nose. He looks so damn silly. Which, in turn, makes him so damn adorable.

"'S too bright, innit," says the disembodied voice, sullenly. Then a sweet, pleading tone, "Make it go away, please?"

You roll your eyes good-naturedly at him and push his head back under the covers before swinging your legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

Hmm. You don't see strings or a stick or anything that you'd normally use to close the blinds. Ah, you bet they're controlled via remote. Where did you last see that? Oh yeah, on the coffee table by the couch.

You stride over to retrieve it and when you turn back around you see that Ed's head has decided to make a reappearance. His eyes are fixed on your body and he continues to watch as you start pressing any and all buttons that look like they might be the right one, because honestly? They all look the same.

After a few false starts, during which you manage to turn on a lamp and the Keurig, you finally coax the blinds into their descent. You turn back towards Ed, a triumphant grin on your face.

"Yes! Fanks," he tells you with an exaggerated accent and grin to match. God, he's so impossibly cute.

The room starts to slide into darkness and Ed mumbles contentedly, "Come back here."

"Gimme a sec," you say as you make a dash to the en suite bathroom. You must pee.

Flicking the light on, you step onto the cool marble floor and spy the oversize bathtub to your right. Hmmm. That certainly needs to be put to good use later.

You quickly pee and then peer at the counter. There's a complimentary toothbrush and toothpaste sitting atop the tile near one of the sinks. Perfect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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