McElroy (Kane) Pandora

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Name: McElroy (Kane) Pandora
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Family: D. Stray
Adriel (PortgasDMaria)
Seren (PortgasDMaria)
Weapon: Firearm
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 97 lb.
Appearance: Kane has a strange mixture of her father's hair and her mother's, so she holds a pale, bright brown. She has her father's bright green eyes and her parents' freckles. She usually wears a white hoodie, of which she hides the twin firearms her mother got her when she turned eight in an inside pocket. Under the hoodie she wears a green tank-top and black pants. She usually wears sneakers for shoes. She shares her mother's small frame and agility, though she lacks her brother and father's phsyical strength. On her forehead she wears a green headband of sorts, which was a gift from her aunt, Raya, along with a matching green earrings, which she bought herself from traveling merchants.

Personality: Kane's personality is more-so closer to her mother's than her father's. She can be very determined, albite quiet. She is very stubborn and hard to deter once she sets her mind to something. Kane is very calculating and sensitive, often leading her to scare herself with certain mental images, of which is hard for her to get out of. However, like her father, she doesn't exactly do stuff unless she's asked to, though she blames that by saying she needs to be given more instructions.

Misc: Pandora prefers to be called Kane. She, like her brother, gained the highly tuned instincts from her father and the habit of sticking to warm things, though she gained her agility and aim from her mother. She also has the habit of sticking close to her close friends and following them like a shadow, as well as sticking up for said friends if they're being talked to behind their backs.

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