[Beth's P.O.V.]

I woke up, still leaning on Harry. Smiling slighty, I got up, stretched adn sat back down again. Then everything came back to me and my smile slid off my face like jelly. Why did this have to happen to Harry? Why was it him lying here? I sighed and continued to observe him carefully. Any movement could mean that he was going to get better and I didn't want to miss anything.

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Can you hear me?"

There was no response like usual but I wasn't surprised. I hadn't been very hopeful anyway. If he could hear me then that must have been so frustrating for him, lying there, not able to say a word or move a muscle.

Suddenly the doctor came in and straightened up, clearing his throat.

"I just wanted you to know that we have a strict policy in this hospital and that because of financial reasons, we can't have a patient in a coma here for more than a week. This may be Harry Styles, but that doesn't change anything. If he doesn't wake up within the next six days, you'll either have to move him to somewhere else, which can be very risky and hardly ever successful, or we'll have to shut down the machine keeping him alive. I'm sorry." he explained.

My heart skipped a beat and I looked at him with shocked eyes.

"But- but I don't want him to die! He can get better, he just needs time! He can't die!" I wailed after him as he walked back out and down the corridoor.

"HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!" I yelled again, but I didn't get any answer. I was sick of this hospital to be honest. Nobody ever answered me and I don't know, I just didn't like it. But I had to stay for Harry. I wanted to. I wasn't going to leave until he did. Never in a million years. Time would then have to show how he was going to leave....

I collapsed in the chair miserably and shook Harry's arm, desperate to get a sign from him, anything.

"Harry, did you hear that? You only have six more days and then you might die! And I don't want you to die, you mean too much to me. I can't stand the thought. Wake up! Please." I whined, my voice finally breaking and tears clouding my eyes yet again. I sat there, trying to blink away the tears but failing.

The door opened again and I looked up to see my friends there. They had something with them and it smelt of food. Only then did I realize how hungry I was.

"Here." Laura said, giving me a small smile and handing me a bag with doughnuts in.

"How was your night?" asked Fawz softly.

"It was alright, fell asleep on Harry accidentally though." I admitted sheepishly.

"Aww, well I'm sure he didn't mind." Karime smiled. I smiled back and we then ate the doughnuts in silence, still keeping an eye on Harry.

[Harry's P.O.V.]

I listened to the girls' conversation and heard as they went silent, eating whatever it was they were eating. They afterwards all decided to spend the night with me, so Beth didn't have to be alone. They explained that they would have joined her the night before, but they thought that she needed a little space and time to be with me. I was touched that they were even bothered to stay.

"Oh yeah, we were meant to tell you. The boys are coming tomorrow to visit Harry too." I heard Fawz' voice say.

"As- as in Liam, Louis and Niall?" Beth stuttered.

"Also Zayn." added Karime quietly.

"Five out of five again then. But maybe just not the way we hoped." Laura commented dejectedly.

I felt happy at the thought of the four guys I considered my brothers visiting me. I felt like I hadn't heard from them in years, although it had only been about one day. My happiness was then cut short by Beth sniffing again and saying:

"Guys, the doctor came back in before."

I suddenly remembered what he had said as she explained everything to the girls. I only had six more days. And one of those six was nearly over. I had to get a move on. The others were gasping and making incredulous remarks to what Beth had to say and I completely agreed with them.

There was no way I was going to let myself die if I could prevent it.

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