2 -- The Evil Flower Blooms Daintily (Rin POV)

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Rin's POV

"Mother... I imagine you aren't comfortable... Is there anything I can do?" I asked. Mother coughed a bit, the looked to me.

"Rin, you will be the ruler when I'm gone... A twelve year old Queen..." said mother weakly. Tears came to my eyes. I wasn't ready to become Queen. I was twelve. Twelve. I was a child in the eyes of the populace.

"Mother... I'm not ready. It was the bloody people's illness that got you, I won't rule them as kindly as you have," I said angrily. My mother rested a weak, yet kind hand on my shoulder.

"Take care of my people, Rin... Take care of them like Len would have," she said.


Len, my twin... My long lost twin. I haven't seen him in nine years... Len... My brother... My best friend... I can still hear his young voice in my head and in my dreams... "Rin," he calls... "I'm coming home."

"Y-yes, mother... I'll try," I said.

Then, she rested back, told me she loved me, and closed her eyes. Her head fell deeper in the pillow, and I knew she was gone. I stood and looked to the maid in the doorway.

"As your Queen... I command you to get someone to arrange her funeral," I said. She stood, startled. "Get Going!!!!" Then she ran.

The Queen's death was at the fault of the people... And I'll see to it that they pay.

"Now!" I shouted at a Butler, "Bow down to me!"

The Butler was shaky. He feared me. But he did as he was told.

Did I want that? Did I want to be feared? It makes me feel strong... And I'll need strength to give payback to the people. They killed the last of the people I love.... Tears formed in my eyes as I thought this.... Now they'll pay.

A few months went by, I was the queen of a good country. The people worked and earned me lots of money. I got a horse named Josephine with the money. She was a good horse.

But one day, a blond boy came up to my throne and bowed, pulling off his hat.

"Why have the guards allowed you to enter?!" I asked angrily.

"I came to ask your highness if a poor, lost boy could get a job here," said the boy... There was something about him that killed me... Was it his ponytail tied back neatly? Or his blond hair? I think it was his voice. The voice struck a chord in my heart that hasn't been played in a long time... It nearly brought a tear to my eye.

"Who are you?" I asked. The boy looked up with his deep blue eyes. They told a story of sorrow.

Tears welled in my eyes. I hugged him. Then at the same time, we said:

"Len Kagamine."

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