A Date?

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Lorraine : we have a new dare!!!!

Fandom,Marco and Star:  What is  it!!??

Lorraine: Jazzyjaz100 dares Star and Marco to go on a date!!!

Marco: *blushes* umm...

Star : well we have to so where at?

Marco: why don't we go to this place called   "Nachos House" ?

Star: *blushes* Sure

Fandom and Lorraine: *fangirling*

Star and Marco: *leaving*

Fandom:  we should go spy on them!

Lorraine:  no need I his a camera in stars head band and a voice recorder in Marcos hoddie *sips a sods and starts to relax*

Fandom:  awesome one step ahead *gets a soda* Cheers

Lorraine : Cheers to Starco

(At the date)...............................

Marco:so star how's the nachos?

Star:  there good

Marco: * thinks about he would just tell her*

Star: * thinks how can I tell him I like him more then a friend*

MARCO: Hey Star...

STAR:  yea

MARCO: Star I don't like Jackie I really like you more then a friend but do you feel the same way about me?

Star: *blank stare* YESSSS

Marco :* kisses Star * let's go back and don't tell Lorraine and fandom

Star: ok I won't *kisses back*

Star and Marco: *leaves*

(At the house)

Lorraine: so what happened you two on the date

Star and Marco: mouthing * both blushes*

Fandom:  Sure

Lorraine:  well keep commenting dares and questions

Everyone : Bye!!!!!!

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