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     I hear a knock on my door causing me to open my eyes. My father pops his head into my room saying softly "Izzy, it's almost noon. Time to get up." Groaning in response and rolling over my father takes it as a yes and says "Okay." then quietly shuts the door. I outstretch my hand to grab my phone and pull it back into the warmth of the blankets. Seeing I only have 3 notifications and 2 of them being spam emails I let out a loud sigh. After scanning all of the social media that one person could have I decide to take a shower.

     Standing in front of the mirror I inspect every part of my face. I hate how I look. I hate my long brown widely curly hair that look like a rats nest all the time. I hate how big my nose is and how my eyes take up about half my face. I hate how big my thighs are and how my lower belly sticks out. Just ugh. Hopefully this is just me being a 15 year-old girl and I am going to go through some life changing realization and I'll suddenly have confidence or something but I don't know.

     After my shower I fill in my eyebrows in with dark brown eyeshadow and apply winged eyeliner and mascara then I slip my black jeans and a white crop top on and walk into the kitchen.

     "Hi darling!" my father greets me. "Hey." I say back. He just stares at me for a few seconds then says "Wow how are you my daughter you are so beautiful." "Ha thanks dad. That means so much." I say sarcastically. He frowns at me and just changes the subject. "I have some exciting news." "What is it?" I respond trying to sound interested. "Well I've been seeing a girl lately and if you are feeling up to it I thought the two of you could meet. Doesn't that sound fun!" He blinks at me twice with a excited crooked smile across his whole face. I really didn't want to but I didn't want to hurt my dads feelings either so I agree. "Yay! This will be fun. What should we go together?" "Um, I don't know. A movie or something?" I reply to his question. "Yeah, and also dinner before." "Okay sure." It was obvious I was unamused but my father was too enthusiastic to care. Continuing the conversation my dad tells me to go look up movies starting around 8:00 and pick one that I would want to see.

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