Chapter 5

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*4 Months Later*
••Nicole's Pov••
We had just finished our album and decided on releasing it after tour. I had just got finished packing for the 3 month tour we would be on while Andy had an extra month. "Come on Nicole, you don't wanna be late!" I heard Shae call. I grabbed my luggage and ran downstairs, meeting Andy outside.

"You ready?" He said pecking my lips.

"More ready than I'll ever be!"

"Good, I'll see you in a couple hours." He said smiling before giving me a hug. I started off towards my bus, and walking my luggage to the bunks. I couldn't believe tour was already here!


I felt the bus come to a stop, all of us gathering to the living area. "First show. You guys ready?" I said taking a deep breath before opening the door. They all nodded and one by one, we all piled out of the bus.

There were bands everywhere. Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon. It was amazing. We all started towards the venue, heading backstage to meet up with Ron. He showed us our reserved room and gave us the schedule of when we go on. We went on right after bmth which gave us time to relax some.

I heard a knock and the door just as we were getting ready and walked over to answer it. "Hey!" Andy said as soon as I opened it. I smiled and hugged him, pulling him inside.

"You ready for your first show?" He said wrapping his arm around me. I nodded and glanced at everyone else who was staring at us.

"Did you tell them?"

"Oh yea. Guys I have a little announcement." I said as I got the attention of the group. "Andy and I are dating." They all cheered and I'm not sure how they hadn't caught onto it after 4 months but it was funny to see their reaction.

Soon he left to go get ready with his band while we got ready. "Rebel Pride, you go on next!" Ron said popping in the door. We nodded and all gathered backstage to get ready.

Soon it was our turn to go on and one by one we all walked on stage. I waved to the crowd, grabbing the mic and introducing ourselves. I took a deep breath as I scanned the crowd and started to sing.

Ready or not

The years are blurring

Running away the mind

Is turning

Skip to the end to find the

Meaning, thoughts are fading

Yet I wonder still..


After the song, the crowd start cheering. I felt better and started on our next song. We sang Someday, Devils Daughter, Party With The Devil, Angel Eyes, and Fatal Flaws.

"THANK YOU EVERYBODY!" I yelled as I walked off stage. I grabbed the towel Andy had handed me as I met up with the group and patted myself down.

For our first show, I thought we did really good. We walked down to the booth that bvb had set up for us and sat around, getting ready for meet and greet. There were some people walking around who had passes for backstage which sorta made me feel a bit uncomfortable but I kept myself distracted by scrolling through my notifications.

Soon some people started coming up for autographs and a few pictures. I'm glad we got a few fans but I was mostly focused on the band that was currently playing. Bvb. I wasn't paying much attention to who were coming up until I heard a voice that made me cringe.

"Hey slut." The voice said. I looked up to see it was my mother and sighed at her sight.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh well I was watching the news the other week and heard there was a new band. Then I started thinking of those emo bands you like and kept listening."

"Ok so what? There was a new announcement. I'm surprised you even stayed to listen." She rolled her eyes and continued talking.

"Anyways it caught my attention when I saw your picture on the cover along with 4 other people behind you. You never told me you went off to join some stupid band? But it's not surprise."

"So what? I joined a band. At least a had some support unlike you. Why are you here anyways? Come to insult me even more?"

"Just to come to see how successful you've gotten. I see your not very busy with people. As always you'll be pathetic to run away from problems."

"PATHETIC?! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??" That's it. I've had enough of my so called mother.

"Don't talk to me that way! I'm your mother and you shouldn't treat me with such disrespect!"


"How dare you say I'm a terrible mo-"

"DONT EVEN GO THERE! JUST LEAVE!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" And with that, I had security drag my mother out along with the guy who was with her. Man I feel sorry for him but now I don't care.

I buried my face into my hands, trying not to cry of what just happened. "It's alright sweetie, she won't have to be part of your life anymore." Shae said rubbing my back. I looked up and sighed.

"Yea. I'm just glad she still lives in Ohio. I never want her part of my life ever again. It was my mistake for moving back in with her." She raised an eyebrow looking at me. "Long story short, I lost my job after my dad died." She nodded and went back to take her seat.

For the rest of the evening, we were greeted by some fans every now and then but my mind was still tracked onto my mother. I was mostly this glad was almost over so I could sleep this day off. This was only our first show and I had 3 whole months to get this off my mind.


After meet and greet, the band and bvb all gathered together by our tour buses and chatted for a bit before having to leave. "You okay? You seem a little down." Andy said before leaving with his group.

"Yea. I'm just ready for the next show." He smiled and kissed my forehead and walked his way. I stammered onto the tour bus, grabbing a drink and heading back to the bunks to lay down.

**hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll post an update soon as I can! Any ideas? Leave a comment please or you can ask personally! Just find me on IG @thenicolehuff :3 ^_^ **

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