Jonah and Sammy

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It was a normal day for Sammy. Feeding his cats, riding his motorbike, bitching with his mom...but what is this strang creature doing in front of his window?

Thanks to HavenLeeAngelus for the many help smoothing out the grammar :-)


It was a bright late summer day. Sammy sat on his sofa, zapping mindlessly through the TV Channels. Nothing new in the news: The government was telling everybody that everything was fine, while everybody knew it wasn't.

Other unimportant news came on, apparently some twiggy blonde chick who obviously had a new fashion collection was more noteworthy; and this is what they called "important news"? Some hooker with a ho collection? Sammy shook his hand and switched the TV off, annoyed and bored out of his mind.

He opened his freezer and took out a small container of Lasagna and then placed it in the microwave. This had to be enough for today, he didn't want to cook an entire meal there was no point in it anyway. While he ate his dinner he read the newspaper he had gotten from his post box. He was becoming more and more annoyed and he didn't know why, it was like something was under his skin; but he was alone.

He looked out of the window and decided to go for a ride. It was mid spring, the first day of May and the weather was beautiful and warm although he didn't ride a long time because of the threat of a sudden downpour, since he despised to ride on a bike in the rain. He missed the carefree feeling he got while in motion, the wind and smells of nature and it's beauty all around him.

Sammy put on his leather clothes and helmet before he sped off and the ride did it's magic, like it always did. He left his strange annoyance and his problems behind and started to feel good again losing himself in the curves of the road and countryside which held so much beauty. When he decided to head back he knew that soon the night would come; and with it people driving carelessly so even more danger for him while on his bike. When he flipped the key to turn his bike off, he groaned softly seeing his mother was standing in front of his main entrance, tapping her foot impatiently at the floor.

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you?" He rolled his eyes and tried to shake off his irritation, it wasn't his fault she came without word or warning.

"If you would announce your arrival just once, chances are a lot higher that you wouldn't have had to wait." He answered, his earlier annoyance coming back full force but she wouldn't hear any of it, and he had known that before he spoke.

"I'm your mother; you owe me the respect I'm entitled too, I don't deserve this; your birth was very difficult. I was in labor for several days, in constant agony, every ounce of pain I went through, and just to just have you be such an ungrateful brat..." Sammy didn't bother to stop her rant and instead tuned her out he knew what was coming after all, he had heard it more than once so he busied himself with brewing some coffee. When he placed the mug in front of his mother he decided to stop her incessant ranting.

"Why are you here anyways?" He asked her bluntly, while sipping on his coffee, his mother stopped her tirade and looked at him, a little bewildered. Normally he would let her go on until she started repeating the real reason she was here signaling his return to the conversation, but not today; he was already at his limit with her.

"I need your signature here on these papers." He lifted an eyebrow suspiciously he knew this couldn't be good, maybe it was the deed to his soul.

"How come? What are you up to this time?" She snorted disdainfully; why did she always expect her ploys to go unnoticed, he never really let her get away with anything anymore.

"I want to make certain you're the one that will care for me should anything occur to leave me incapable of caring for myself. There's a new law that states we must choose someone, or someone will be chosen for us, you're my son and I it's your responsibility to care for me. After all I've done for you, all I've endured you owe me this and so much more." Sammy took a sip of his coffee as if mulling over the idea, when in all reality it hadn't taken him a micro second to decide.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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