Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's Pov:

Today is the day. The day in which I get to see Ciel again. I am so excited, I couldn't get the grin off my face.

Rosemary, my maid and best friend, chuckled as she pulled the strings to tighten my corset. "Someone's a bit excited, aren't we now?" She smirked as she finished tying my corset. I blushed a light pink as my grin grew.

Rosemary laughed and took a step back to admire me. "You look beautiful, my lady! As always." I looked at myself through the mirror and saw my reflection. Today I decided to wear a different outfit for my visit to the Phantomhive  Manor. I was wearing an olive green corset dress. I wore it with a pair of white silky elbow length gloves. I had my hair in pigtails, curled, as usual. I looked at Rosemary through the mirrors reflection to see her smiling warmly at me.

"Why thank you Mary!" I beamed back at her. "Well I guess we should get going. We don't want Master Ciel worrying now do we?" She asked, ushering me through the door. "Oh, right!" I realized we were taking too much time and that Ciel must have been waiting for our arrival. I ran out of my manor and into the carriage with Rosemary behind me. "My lady, you forgot your coat!" Rosemary exclaimed. "Oh thank you Mary!" I smiled brightly at her, taking my coat from her and putting it on. She smiled back at me and sat down as the carriage started moving. 


We finally arrived at the Phantomhive manor and as soon as the carriage door opened, I ran out. During the ride here, I was jumping around on my seat with Rosemary watching me amusingly. "My lady!" Rosemary shouted, running after me. I ran into the manor and into ciel's office, where I knew he would be at. Turns out I was right.

"Ciel!"I screamed delightfully, running to him and sqeezing  the daylight out of him. I couldn't help it. I missed the blue eyed boy. I heard him sighed. "Hello Elizabeth. Nice to see you again." I beamed at him. "My lady!" Rosemary bursts through the doors, panting heavily. I giggled. She looked at me and then Ciel and Sebastian, who I did not see until now. "My lady. Don't ever run off like that again, do you understand?" She lectured me. I nodded, letting go of Ciel. Ciel sighed again and turned to Sebastian .

"Sebastian go and prepare our noon time tea out at the terrace." He ordered. Sebastian put his hand on his chest and bowed. "Yes master." He relied and walked out of the office. Ciel stood up and walked out the door too. "Please follow me." I bounced right after him and Rosemary followed. We arrived at the terrace with Sebastian, smiling already there with tea. "Tea is served."

Ciel sat down and I sat down next to him. Rosemary stood next to Sebastian, talking to him. "So Ciel. How have you been?" I asked him, taking a sip of tea. It tastes like earl grey. "I've been fine. What about you, Elizabeth?"
I looked at him to see him staring at me. "Great!" I exclaimed. He chuckled, "That's good to know." I blushed and grin at him.

At that, we talked for the rest of tea time when Rosemary said that it was time to go soon. I was disappointed that we had to go already but I kept my smile. Ciel and Sebastian accompanied us to the front door. "Thank you for the tea master earl." Rosemary bowed at him. Ciel just nodded. "Please come again soon, lady Elizabeth and lady Rosemary." Sebastian bowed at us. "Of course we will!" I turned to Ciel "thank you for spending time with me today Ciel. I had fun." I told him and kissed his cheek.

His face turned pink and he stuttered, "N-no problem.." My cheeks flared and I smiled warmly at him. "Goodnight Ciel." I bided. "Goodnight lady Elizabeth." He replied, cheeks still a bit pink. We left to the carriage and as I look back, I see Ciel looking back at us. I waved at him and he waved back. The carriage started moving and I sighed.


We left ciel's manor some time ago already. I looked out the window and at the big beautiful moon. I was in awe at how beautiful it was. As the carriage kept moving the trees eventually covered the moon, making it dark and silent. I then saw fog coming out from every direction.

Then suddenly the carriage jerked to a stop. I flew forward a bit, along with Rosemary. "My lady! Are you alright?" She asked, frantically. I nodded and heard the whines of the horses quite loudly. "Okay I am going to check what is going on. You stay in here and don't come out alright." She looked at sternly. I nodded,"Yes, of course."

To tell you the truth, I feel as if something bad is going to happen. I sigh. Rosemary nodded and opened  the door and shut it after her. I looked back out the window. Everything is so dark out there. I couldn't have saw anything if it weren't for the light from the moon. The fog and dark trees make it look even more eerie than it is.

I looked around once more and came across a tall black figure. I looked closely at it and it was looking straight at me. I shivered, feeling scared all of a sudden. The figure was really tall, 6 feet tall but it was far from me so maybe taller than that. It looked like there was a mask on his face but you could be able to see its eyes. It's eyes were big but looked to eyes widened as I saw there was no eyes in its sockets. It had claw-like hands with long red-orange hair that resembles flames. It's face look to be burnt and had a few stitches. Even from all the way here, it looked like to be smirking at me.

I gulped and blinked for the first time. Once I opened my eyes, it wasn't there anymore. I looked around out through the window, looking for it. It looked as if it just disappeared. I sighed in relief. Just looking at it, draining all my energy. I was glad that it was gone. Maybe it wasn't even there. Maybe it was just all my imagination.

I turned around and there sitting right next to me was that black figure. It's hollow black eyes staring right before me. It's smirk widening. "Hello Elizabeth. Goodbye Elizabeth." It's demonic raspy voice echoed through my ears. My eyes widening and my mouth opened, preparing a scream. But before I could scream, it's claw-like hands jabbed into my stomach. And the next thing I'm seeing is black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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