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He strode in confidently first. Wolf whistles from the cheerleaders followed. Darn. He's getting too much attention. I followed in trying to copy his stance. I failed. People groaned as I stumbled. I slowly attempted to pick myself up without looking too much of an idiot. A hand reached out to me. I smiled, blinking my blue eyes fast to stop myself from crying with embarrassment. It was Rapunzel- I mean Zack .
' Thanks' I whispered as he pulled me up.
' It's okay' I stood up at last and stared into his dreamy green eyes. We were quickly pulled apart by Angel. Funny her name sounded so angelic when she was such an evil  person. She screwed me then turned to Zack eyeing him up - and down.
' who's the hottie?'
' Hottie?' Zack echoed
' Cute. ' Angel said, speaking over him. I was so glad that Angel was so dim for once because she wasn't suspicious - just stupid. Angel dragged him away to the next class shooting evil looks at all the girls who eyed him.
' How do you know the the geek?' She asked as they walked through the parting the crowds made.
' She's a friend.' he said slowly -then he smiled and turned to me for a second before Angel grabbed his head and turned it to her direction. He didn't turn to me again .
It was then i knew i'd lost him. I slugged back to my class, alone, blowing my black hair out my tear-stained face.

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