Chapter Nine

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Tyler's p.o.v.

I bore my eyes into Elliot's back. He was the one who helped her. He was the one who brought here to the hospital. He was there for her. Thats my job. I'm her boyfr- Friend.

I sighed heavily and sat at the side of Meg that Elliot wasn't at.

She was looking bad. The color in her face was gone and skin was starting to become dry.

Elliot and I jumped when the doctor had cleared his throat. "It appears that she should wake up within tomorrow, but she will have memory loss about some things. Were not sure what about, though."

We both nodded and he walked out. The same thought plague our minds. Is she going to forget us? Will she remember what we went through? Will she still love me? Questions, questions, questions!

I brought my head to the mattress before quickly bringing it back up. I went to the large chair that was placed in the corner and laid down on it.

"Do you love her?" Elliot said out of nowhere.

"What?" I rolled on my side so that I was facing him.

"You heard me. Do you love her?"

I stared at him for a minute. Do I really love her? I feel as if I do. No. I know I do. I love her.

I sighed and nodded. "Yes."

"What happened?"

"I accused her of cheating, but now I realize that I was stupid and she didn't cheat. It was the distance. She's here and I'm over in California recording an album. I know I can trust her, but I have my doubt." I rubbed my hands over my face in a way to wipe away the tears I didn't want him to know about.

"Oh." He nodded and stood up. "I'm going to get some coffee. Want some?"

"No." I watched as he walked out the door and towards to cafeteria.

I looked over at her for a moment before standing up and walking up to her bed.

How could I let this happen? How could I be so selfish? I caused this. I know she left after me, I saw her. I could've stopped her. I could have ran up to her, hug her, and make it all better, but I didn't. I was too angry at her and myself.

I looked down at her. Her pale, red hair was still thick, but you could tell it was becoming brittle. How? We've only been here for at least a day.

The doctor say's she'll have memory loss. What will she forget? Will she forget me? God, I hope not.

I felt tears well up at that. She can't forget me. I grabbed her hand and pressed my lips to it. "Please don't forget me." I sobbed out.

I grabbed my phone and called Josh. "Hey! How's she doing?" He frantically asked.

"She's doing good, I guess. Doctor says she's gonna have some memory loss."

He was silent for a while before replying, "Is she going to forget us?" His voice cracked as he said that.

I sighed heavily. "I don't know. She should be waking up within tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll be there soon, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." He said and hung up.

"Who was that?" I heard beside me.

"My friend Josh. He's going to be here soon."

"Is he like you? Accused her of cheating?" What is his problem?

"What?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Just seems like if you accused her of cheating that he would also accuse her of cheating."

"What is your problem." I stood up and glared at him.

"My problem is that you claim to love her, yet you accused her of cheating. You don't deserve her." He spat out with so much venom that it hurt.

I clenched my fists. Don't do it, Tyler. Be better than him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before speaking, "Leave."

"What?" He looked at me with so much suprise on his face.

"I said leave. I may not deserve her, but you have no right to talk about that. She doesn't even know you. So leave." I pointed at the door.

He glared at me for a minute before huffing and walking out. "I'll be back."

"We'll see about that." I grumbled and shut the door behind him.

He had no right to say that to me! Yes, I know I screwed up and accused her of cheating, but he doesn't even know her. He knows her as the girl named Megahn who was attacked by a man. He doesn't know the Megahn that I know. The Megahn that was so afraid to go into the woods with me, the one who graduated with me, the one who I shared laughs with, the one I love.

I heard a knock at the door and groaned. Who could it be? I opened the door to see Josh standing there.

"Hey." He half smiled in an attempt to make me smile, but I am miserable.

"Hey." I sighed and sat down next to her.

"You look exhausted." Josh stated and sat next to me.

"I am exhausted." I clarifed and rested my head on her mattress.

"Get some rest." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"No, I can't. I have to be here when she wakes up." I objected.

"I'll wake you up when she wakes up, okay?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

I sighed and nodded. "When she starts stirring let me know."
I walked over to the large chair and sat in it. I brought up the leg rest and leaned back.



I looked over at him. "You're the greatest friend I could ever have." I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

"Same to you buddy." He said and brought me a blanket.

I grabbed it and rolled onto my side to sleep. I took one last glance at Meg and closed my eyes.

Glowing Eyes (Tyler Joseph Romance)Where stories live. Discover now