Chapter 15:

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Andorra's POV:

I awoke alone, cold, and sad. As my eyes fell onto the keys that lay on the table, I smiled big at them, and decided to maybe go visit Caroline? Or Damon. Just get out of here, as I was getting ready, I was suprised to step out of the bathroom, only to run into Elijah. I squeal, covering myself up. "What the hell?" I shouted at him. Elijah laughed, I put on my clothes for the day which was a pair of high shorts, that were torn, and distressed. A loose gray shirt, a cross necklace, and my hair was staightened. Haven't done my makeup yet, "Why are you here?" I asked, putting on my boots, and crossing my arms over my chest.

"How are you?" he asked me.

"Fine, why?" I asked.

"I heard about what went down between you, and Stefan." Elijah said, I starred at him, and my stomach started to hurt. My head was spinning, why does everyone care so much? We broke up, he cheated, I don't think everyone in town should know, but I guess I'm wrong. "I care about you." he pressed.

"No you love me." I corrected him, "And I don't need a boyfriend, right now." I said, sitting down, and in barged Stefan. I looked up at him. During our coversation, he accused me of cheating on him with Elijah, and that hit something else. After he left, Elijah held me, as I screamed, and cried. "Why does this happen to me?!" I screamed, as a sob came out, and the tears wouldn't stop. "I can't stand it!" I shouted, as Elijah held me, and tried to calm me down. But nothing worked, I have to just cry it out. "I want to end it!" I screamed, I just want to die, why can't I die, and then everything would be better... Wouldn't it?

After my epsiode, I was so worn out, I took a nap, that was about an hour. Elijah stayed with me the whole time, when I left I put my make up on, and smiled at Elijah. "Thank you, for earlier." I said to him, hugging him, and kissing his cheek. I grabbed the car keys, my wallet, and my room key heading out to Stefan's car. I then drove to Caroline's house, I knocked a couple times, and she opened the door. "I thought I'd come see you, Stefan left me his car!" I smiled.

"What's the matter?" Caroline asked, noticing my voice, it was high, and that ment I just cried, "Why were you crieing?" she questioned, I slummed, and fell into her arms. I cried into her neck, why does everyone care? After explaining, she exploded, jumping up, and nearing the outside.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"To talk to Stefan, that is horrible, you love him, and he needs to understand that." Caroline said, stroming out of her house, while I laid on her bed, and enjoyed the feel of it. When I felt someone starring at me, when I looked up I saw Klaus.

"You're not Caroline." Klaus teased, I rolled my eyes getting up, and walking out. "Oh whats the matter love?" he asked, catching up with me, and then he also noticed I was crieing. Stopping me, "What's the matter? What happened?" he asked me.

"Nothing, just leave me alone okay?" I asked, walking past him, but he was infront of me again.

"Tell me." he demanded.

"No." I said, "I don't feel like it." I paused, "Why do you even care? I thought you wanted me dead?" I asked him.

"That was before my brother became quite fond of you." Klaus smirked, I scowled, and went to the bathroom. Slamming the door closed, locking it, and sitting in the bath. Where I cried, silteny, why does this happen to me? When I heard Caroline shout out for me, I didn't speak, instead I let the tears fall. Until she kicked in the door, running into me, and hugging me.

"What happened?" Caroline asked. I didn't answer, I hope she didn't want an answer, because at the moment I couldn't breath, and tears blurred my vision. Caroline ran her hands though my hair, trieing to calm me down, and then I stopped. "What happened?" she repeated.

I took in a shaky breath, "Kl-Klaus came h-here excpting m-me to ex-exlpain why I was crieing." I sobbed, Caroline pouted, and hugged me. I seemed to be a big baby right now, but everything hurt. Jeremy, Stefan cheating, Elijah loving me, and Elena not being herself. "I can I kill myself?" I whispered, completey forgetting Caroline was a vampire. She spun around, her eyes wide, as she starred at me.

"Why?" she asked, I saw a trace of tears in her blue eyes. "You're one of the normal people around here, don't say that!" Caroline shouted. "I wish I was dead! But I'm walking dead!" she screamed, I cried harder, and shook my head.

"I can't take it!" I screamed, getting out ot the tub, and wiping my eyes. "I'm going to do it, wether or not you like it!" I shouted, running past her, and out to Stefan's car. I started to speed, I was nearing the bridge as to where my parnets died, and where Elena should've died. I sped up, faster, and faster. As my car jumped over the ledge, I took in one last breath, as water surroded around me, and my hair got wet.

I saw the bubbles of my breath go up, I felt myself getting tried, and tried. I finally closed my eyes, I watched my whole life before my life. I watched when I was born, when I walked, when I smiled, when I was hugging Jeremy, and Elena. Laughing with my parnets, and the best memory of my life. It was my first day back since my parents accident, while I was walking to class, I ran into a boy. I didn't think of it, but at the time I didn't think he was anyone speacial.

"Hi." he smiled down at me. "I'm Stefan Salvatore."

"I'm Andorra Gilbert, nice to meet you." I greeted him back, I blushed because how many days do you have a handsome boy talk to you.

"You're very pretty." he commented, dang it! I blushed worse.

After our conversation, we walked to class, where he hit on Elena, and they dated for sometime. Broke up, then I started to date him, and Elena was cool with it. I took one last breath, then everything was blurry, and suddenly everything on my shoulders was lifted off.

When I opened my eyes, seeing Stefan's face, but something was different. "Who are you?" I asked, putting my hand on his face.

"I'm Stefan, before being becoming a vampire." he smiled.

"Really?" I asked, I've always wanted to meet the old him, and now that I do see him. It makes me feel good.

When his lips touched mine, then he breathed air into my chest, I opened my eyes, and I was alive. I coughed up water, feeling Caroline's hand on my back. I laid back down, regretting telling Caroline, I was going to kill myself, if I wouldn't have told her, I really would've been dead. Stefan grabbed my head, foucing me to look at me. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because, what's the point of living?" I asked, coughing more, and I felt myself crieing. "Just let me die." I said, wiping my eyes, and turning to him. "I saw you." I whispered. "Before you were a vampire, you didn't look different, but you acted different." I turned to Caroline, "Why did you tell him? I want to die this way, not being turned, or eaten alive." I cried, Caroline was crieing as well, and holding her mouth.

"I couldn't just let you die." she cried, I shook my head.

"It's not you're choice, it is mine." I said turning to Stefan. "I hate you." I whispered, "You did this to me." I whispered, finally sitting up, and Caroline helping me up. Stefan however stayed there, I think I saw him cry, but I don't care. This is his falut, this all started whenever me, and Elena meant him. What if we skipped that day? Would our lives be like this? Probably not. Caroline helped me to her car, while Stefan slowly walked to his bike. He was starring at me, I however turned away, and got into the car.

"That was harsh." Caroline said, starting the car.

"It's true, this all started when we meant him, and his brother." I mumbled, as we drove off, and headed back to my hotel.

"I'm staying with you for at least 48 hours, sudiced watch." Caroline teased, "Actully were staying at my place, you're hotel freaks me out." Caroline said, we went to the hotel, and checked out. I packed up all my stuff, I went to Caroline's house, and slept in her bed. "I'm sorry." Caroline said, setting my stuff down.

"For what?" I asked.

"For not letting you die, but you're one of my only friends left, all I have is Bonnie, and you. Without you, I'd might as well be dead." Caroline frowned.

"Don't be sorry, you were just doing what a friend does, just don't call Stefan." I smirked, Caroline braided my hair, and we watched the show "Saturday Night Live." old epsiodes on NetFlix, we both agreed that we think Andy Samberg, and Seth Meyers were the cutest. I eventully fell asleep.

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