Okay Here We Go

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PIERCE!" I snapped outta my thoughts and looked at a confused Emily. "Oh uh...sorry about that." I said embarrassed. She linked her arm to mine and laughed."It's fine, cmon I'll show you our room."She dragged me upstairs and showed me our room. Emily rested on the bed as I drooled over everything.Everythings so... huge and...well expensive. The walls we're black while a huge king sized bed sat looking comfortable in the middle. On the side was a huge walk-in closet full of clothes that I could never afford.

Emily laughed, "I knew you'd like it." I nodded enthusiastically as I started to jump on her bed. "Hey quit it you're making me fall off!" She giggled. I jumped one more time making her slip off the bed. "Crap!" I said as I grabbed her hand before she fell face first but failed cause she dragged me down with her. Cautiously I switched our positions so I hit the floor and she landed on me. "OWWWEE OW OW!!" I cried while rubbing my head in pain. She giggled and rubbed my head while planting a kiss on it. "Better?" I was stunned by the sudden move. She must've realized too because she immediately got up to her feet and blushed looking away. I sat on the floor awkwardly and choked out a quiet laugh. "Thanks for taking my fall." She said as she pulled me up to my feet. "Heh. No problem." After a second of silence we heard and door slam. "We're here! " an overly excited Zach sang from downstairs as he skipped up the stairs. I saw Dave shaking his head in embarrassment. "Oh come on Davey Wavey I know you wuv my voice!" Zach cooed. Dave rolled his eyes and smirked, "Best voice ever babe...especially in bed." He mumbled the last part but I'm pretty sure everyone heard. Zach blushed hard,"Oh Dave you're so bad, don't embarrass me in front of Pierce."
I chuckled to myself. You basically embarrassed yourself with them scratchy vocals of yours. Emily walked beside me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her to see that gorgeous smile. "So what's first?"
~3 hours later~
We chose to play monopoly (which went on forever) .
"Zach you have to pay you landed on my property!"
"Aw man I quit!" Zach complained furiously as he messed up the whole bored.
I threw my cards down. "I agree I kept going to jail." Emily groaned. "Probably because you've been a bad girl. " I winked. Her mouth gaped open and I snickered. I didn't care anymore, I'm gonna flirt. She grinned after a while, "Or maybe because you keep pulling out a 'Go To Jail Go Straight To Jail Don't Pass Go Don't Collect $200' card and switched it with something else so I'd land on it every time!" She sassed. I stuck my tongue out a her childishly. "I was gonna go bankrupt if we didn't end the game." Dave commented. "Lets just say everyone is a winner!" Zach cheered. "HEC NAW BOTCH I HAD TEH MOST MONEH!" I complained. Everyone laughed.

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