Chapter 23: Self Control {Kayla}

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              I felt totally ridiculous.

              I was a grown woman who'd been kicked out of my tent because of my best friend's libido. Why did she lose her head around Jerry? I didn't know. All I knew was I had to find a place to sleep where I didn't hear Allison's moaning. Going to Dom's tent wasn't an option because I had a distinct feeling Liza and Dom might be doing the same thing. So I made the logical choice, and went to Dean and Jerry's tent.

"Dean," I whispered. Slowly, the tent started to move.

             He unzipped the door and his eyes squinted as I held up my flashlight.

"Kayla," he said. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," I said. "My tent has been invaded. Allison and Jerry are having sex."

"And they kicked you out of the tent to do it?"

"No, they tried to do it while I was asleep and I woke up, then I left because, well, I thought it was prudent. And I need a place to crash so... I don't suppose you have an extra mattress."

             "Jerry's air mattress had a hole so we were sharing."

"Shoot," I said as I shivered.

"Come on in," Dean said. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"No way," I said. "I'd feel guilty. It's your bed. I can't steal your bed, Dean."

"Well, come inside at least and sit down," he smiled. "It's cold."

I nodded and went inside, zipping back up the tent.

"Sorry to wake you up, Dean."

"Don't worry about it," he said. "So, do you want to wait here until they... finish."

"What if they don't finish," I asked. "I mean, how much sex is enough to deal with years of frustration?"

"I don't know," He replied. "So, sleep here with me. I really don't mind the floor."

               "Maybe we could share the bed," I said. "I mean, that's what you and Jerry were doing."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?" I said. "It makes sense to me."

"My body might have a different reaction to sleeping next to you than it would sleeping next to Jerry. Just being honest, you in those pajamas will probably make me have some inappropriate reactions."

"Oh," I said, blushing. "But it's fine. I promise I won't be offended. I mean, what other choice is there?"

"Ok," Dean said. "You're right."

           I moved closer and he pulled back the blankets. I slid underneath, immediately relieved by the warmth. I turned to face Dean, noticing how our bodies were centimeters away. His breath got a bit shallow, which I noticed because I could sense how quickly his chest was moving up and down. Some part of me couldn't forget the way it felt when I'd kissed Dean. Sure, it was a stupid party game, but it still lingered in my head. I was more than tempted to run my hands over his chest and explore. 

             "Allison makes me so mad," I said, distracting myself. "I mean, she has no self-control."

"Right," Dean said. "They should have waited. I mean, just because someone turns you on doesn't mean you have to have sex. I mean, they are practically teenagers."

"I know," I said. "I mean, just because we're in a bed and we're both single doesn't mean anything has to happen."

"Right," Dean said.

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