The Game.....Whats wrong Dad?

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Hailey Pov: i was wearing-go to my sets and look for the outfit with a 1D external link thats her outfit to the game but press o my roflie and look for the outfit of decroating.)

I was in my room decorating and listening to Ed Sheeran(listen to it If you do not know who the singer is). "And they say shes in the class a team.......stuck in her day dream been this way since 18..." I sang along to A team. I went over to my window and pulled the curtains together and turned around. All of a sudden I hear the sound of a car hitting something outside and i go down stairs and open the door and then I see my dad hovering Scott on the ground.

Dad ? Dad ! What the hell are you doing?" I ask, while rushing towards both of them and kneeling near Scott.
He came out of nowhere, Hailey!" He explained. "Are you trying to kill him??" I ask looking at him. "No, of course not ! He just ran out of the drive way!" He answers me, while I look back at Scott and rub the side of his face. "I'm sorry, it's my fault..." He says while looking at both me and my dad. I caressed his face and look him directly to his face looking at his amazing soft chocolate brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask him worried he's hurt. Looking everywhere for a sign of pain. "Yeah, I'm fine... I swear. I was just... coming to say hi." he says trying to get up. Me and my dad help Scott get up.

"You're sure you're okay ?" he asks, when he sees Scott wobble. I hold his hand/wrist from falling. "Yeah... Yeah, yeah ! Completely ! I should go, I... I have a lacrosse game to go to. You're still coming, right?" he asks looking down at me. I smile and say: "Of course, I'm coming..." while looking up with a huge smile on my face directly looking at his face.

"We both are." my dad says cutting us from our moment. I look over at him and glare, but then wave at Scott and go with my dad inside our house.

____At the Game___

Third Person POV

Lydia and Hailey with her father Chris went to the game together. Hailey and her dad went to get some seats and Lydia went to find Scott.

"Scott! I just want you to remember something for tonight." Lydia sneers. Scott looks at her confused "Hum...Winning isn't everything?" He asked. Lydia slight glares at him and smirks saying "Nobody likes a loser!"
Then she leaves.


Couch sits next to Jackson.

"How is your shoulder kid?" He asks looking at Jackson. "It's fine..." Jackson mumbles. "You feel any pain?" He asks. "No..." Jackson says while rolling his eyes. "What if I give you a big old punch?! Would you feel any pain then?" Making a fist and motion hitting his shoulder. Jackson backs away looking at coach weirdly. "Maybe..."
"Look, just go back there, give your best, and if you feel any pain, you just... just... j..." Coach starts to stutter trying to find a way to tell jackson what he wants. "I... just... keep playing?" Jackson asks which gets a huge smile from coach. "That's my boy!" Coach tells getting up.


The game is about to begin.

Scott whispering to himself "Please let this be okay... Please..."


Sheriff Stilinski goes and finds Ashley,Sophie and Stiles sitting next to each other wait for the game to begin: "Hey, kids!"

They all turn around hearing stiles dad's voice and smile at the Sheriff.

Stiles,Sophie and Hailey : Hey!"

Sheriff : So, are you guys expecting to see any action tonight?" Ashley and Stiles look at each other thinking of the full moon.

Stiles : Action ? Maybe..." he answer and smiles at Ashley inwhich returns it. Stiles sees sophie giving him a knowning look then at Ashley who was taliking to his dad and sees her frowned and nod and walk towards them. Stiles thinks to himself that hes going to talk to her later.

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