The camp out

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All I remember at that moment before I killed myself was that if I don't theyll get me its my fault they died. That's when I saw it.the hands in the cabin, the cabin in the woods. And I knew I had to leave before I couldn't and I did I let go and I jumped for the tree. I felt my neck break and then it was over will so I thought.....

Present day

" Whoo let's get this party started" shouted Skylar. And she started dancing to the music not that she had any rythem because she didn't.
"Calm down Skylar we just got here "said Dylan. He was always so uptight but I guess not tonight because the next thing he said was,
"Crack the coke Cherokee!"
"OK! " she answered getting up dancing to the music. All the way to the cooler and grwbed a few cokes.
"Yeah turn up the mucic" said Jason, why was it so low anyway?
" I got speakers" said Lee as she plugged it in and turned the music as loud as it could go.

As the teens were partying they didn't know that a couple miles over a lost soul was searching for a family to take with her to a dark place.

"Aright guys I think we should call it a night" said Dylan holding in a yawn
"Ok I'm going to go get are things out the truck" said lee as she took off in the direction off the truck.
"DYLAN!" Out of nowhere there was a loud shut
"What the heck" said Dylan he looked around and then asked
"Did you guys hear that? "
"Yeah it was really loud " said Skylar , " It's probably just Lee"
(two minutes later)
"Guys are stuff's not in the car" Lee said in a panicked voice
"What how could this happen " shout Skylar it was obvious that she was getting scared.
"I don't know maybe there's some psycho person out there" said Lee . she said in a joking voice
"Yeah you got that that right because somebody called my name " said Dylan. Fear shined clearly on his face.
"Yeah sure they di .... What was that?" said Lee as she heard aloud noise.

"That's the noise I heard early but it called my name " said Dylan looking freaked out .
"There it is again " said Cherokee pointing at the tent .

" Who - who's out there " said Skylar shaking .
"Its just a raccoon" said jason not really sure what's going on .
"No its not a raccoon can't call my name " said Dylan still shooken up . "well you probably had to much to drink and had image things " said Jason still believing his side of the story .

"Jason why are you trying to change the story Jason we all heard it " said Cherokee looking frustrated with Jason .
" because there haves to be a sc-ientific explanation for this what do you think it is a ghost" said Jason looking puzzled .
"More like a sprit "said Lee still being here regular mysterious self . "Wha- what do you mean spirit" said Skylar stuttering her words out.
"I can feel the anger and sadness that this spirit holds" said Lee as she looks around the campsite.

"I learned about sprits from my grandma in Japan and I'm going to find the one that's over here "said lee still looking around the campsite in curiosity."Are you CRAZY" said Skylar jumping out of her scared stage .

"I can't let it find us" said Lee as she picks up a bag
"What's that " said Dylan reaching for the bag . "Its nothing "said Lee moving the bag quickly away from his hand .
" It is something "said Cherokee jerking the bag from here and opening it .
" What is this is stuff "said Cherokee pulling stuff out the bag ." Its ghost haunting stuff " said Lee putting her things back in there.

"Hold on a minute you new it was a haunted area and you brought us here what's next said Skylar pacing back in forth.

"Don't worry this is only the beginning "said Lee with a smirk on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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