Chapter 4

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This is currently my screensaver and im in love... Okay ill get to the story just thought i had to add that.


Ayden POV

Its been two days since i went to school and i can't imagine how much work i have missed.

Lauren are texting me right now even though there supposed to be paying attention to the teacher.

Lauren and Aydens text

L- why didnt you come to school today

A-didnt feel like it, dont you have work to do

L- its only math

A- bye

L- ugh bye

I sat my phone down on my night stand next to my bed. I turned my tv on to see if anything good was on, but of course there isnt anything so I decided to go make brunch.

I walk downstairs to see Josh past out on the coach, with a can of beer in his hand.

When i was done making my pancakes i sat at the table and ate. While i was eating Josh woke up.

" what the hell are you doing?" He roared

"What does it look like, im eating breakfast." I yelled back

"Why aren't you at school?" He said lowing his voice a little

" why do you care?" I asked continuing to eat my pancakes

" cause your my daughter." He yelled taking a step towards me

"Since when you left a long time ago and than all of a sudden you decide to come back in my life thats not how this works." I said finishing my pancakes and walking over to the sink to clean the plate

As i was walking over to the sink Josh trips me and i hit my nose on the ground really hard. The glass broke and when i got up I realized my hand was full of glass.

I ran upstairs to get cleaned up. There was blood running down my shirt and on my hand.

Jaspers POV

Its been two days since Ayden came to school and i worried what if i killed her. It was lunch and I hadn't touch my food cause ive been so worried about Ayden.

"Dude whats wrong with you?" Conner asked

I cant tell him im freaking out over Ayden he will laugh at me and think im crazy.

"Ahh... I forgot to do my homework." I lied

"Since when have you been worried about your homework?" Conner gave me a look like he knew i was lieing.

" no i had to do this or im going to fail language arts for the marking period." I lied 

" whatever Jasper" conner rolled his eyes

Ever since i pushed her in the pool i couldnt get her out of my mind.

Aydens POV

after i got the glass out of my hand and the blood off my shirt. I decided i would walk to school because the day is almost over and i need to get this book for the project.

When i get to the school the finally bell rings.

When i turn the corner i see Riann, Halle and Lauren all standing there talking.

When i look to my right i see Jasper and Conner looking at me with a grin on their faces. I decided to ignore it and walk over to me.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and saw it was Josh// be home by 8

Ayden// I'll come home when ever i want

When i looked up from my phone the girls were running towards me. Seconds later i was on the ground with all three of them on top of me.

Jaspers POV

When i saw Ayden walk up in here gray sweatpants with the words PINK on the side, her blue tank top and her hair in a messey bun. She look really hot today.

She looked at me and saw i was staring at her. She just rolled her eyes and walked away, i dont care as long as she's alive.

She looked at here phone and minutes later her friends tackled her to the ground. I just watched as Ayden was smiling and laughing she was cute when she laughed.

After the girls where done talking they said there good byes and went there separate ways.

Ayden started walking towards the schools library so I decided to follow her.

Ayden's POV

The girl were going to get there nails done, so i decided i would walk to the library to get the book for this project that i will be doing all by myself.

As i made my way to the library and made my way to the romantic section.

" can i help you find somet-" he didnt even finish his sentence. " Wow, you're alot prettier when your not soaking wet. Not that your ugly when your wet but... Woah."

" ahh... Thanks. Are you the man who saved me from drowning." I asked admiring his work attire. A red and black plaid shirt, black pants, a hot bow tie and thick black glasses.

" yea.. You're Miss. Ayden Green right?" He asked reorganizing the books on the self.

" yes..and you Mr. Rancani right?"

" yes, thats me" he said with a huge smile in his face " well if there's anything i can help you with ill be at my desk."

" thank you" i said smiling

I looked at the books and saw there was two ones that sounded very interesting but she couldn't decide.

" having trouble deciding, babe?" A familiar voice spoke

I turned around to see the one person i didn't expect to see in a library, Jasper.


Hey guys, im so sorry for not updating. I've been so busy with softball tryouts and my summer reading ugh... I have to get i dont cause i go back to school in a month or so. Its sad but true, well i hope you all like it i know its crappy but I promise it will get better. Let me know what you think. Dont forget to like comment and vote, and sorry if theres any mistakes im currently looking for someone to edit this story so if your interested please message me:)

Im going to start asking questions at the end of the chapters so please answer them love you all

Question: when do you go back to school?

My answer: September 8th

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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