Chapter 1

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This feeling of mine without a name.

"Beep, beep, beep, be-" ugh, I turned off the alarm on my phone. Checking the time, it said 12:40 AM. My eyes bulged out, god I'm going to be late. I hurriedly threw on a black t-shirt and some jeans and jumped out my cramped window.

My hair flew all over my face. My hands instantly flipped my hair back, touching the soft grass to catch my fall. I'm getting better at this whole landing thing. I ran behind my house onto my secret hiding place, the hill.

I reached the hill, high up in the air. I go there every night at 1:00 AM to reset my brain, everyday. The grass brushed underneath my feet, tickling me. I stared at the sky filled with tiny stars that shined brightly throughout the night. It was my only place to cry, to release my feelings. I'm always doubting myself inside. Sometimes I wonder if someone could answer my unsettling feelings, but doesn't that only happen in fairytales? I laid there for about an hour or two, the pitch black sky twinkling with a white light here and there piercing my eyes. The tears slipped down my cheek. Finn....

"Beep, beep, beep," I looked at my phone. 7:10 AM? School starts at 7:30! What the heck, I'm late! I jumped out of bed and took out my plaid red skirt with a white t-shirt tucked in. I checked my desk. Where is it. Where is it. Oh! Found it! Taking my fake black rim glasses, I put it on. I tucked my red & blonde ombre hair into a tight cap that gripped onto my head and put on my black wig braided into two. I ran out my room. Wait. What am I missing.

MY SHOES! I looked down at my feet. Dang it. I ran back into my room, sliding and turning all over. I found my black plain shoes inside my closet filled with millions of eye catching clothes. I don't have enough time! An idea hit me during my run through, I stopped towards the stairs, sitting on the railing and slid down, the cold, smooth railing underneath me.

"SHELBY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Yelled a lady with a blonde bun who looked like she's 20 when she's actually 40, with barely any wrinkles, my foster mother. I awkwardly smiled, "aha uh. I gotta get going!" Running off the door with her yelling at me, "don't run in the house!"

I checked my phone, 7:15. I'm going to need something faster than walking. My heart thumped out of my chest as my breath got shorter and shorter, finding myself at the bush outside "our" house and took my skateboard out, rolling it across the street. Millie, my step sister already left the house with Chase, the nicest guy in school. But secretly, I think he's gay, he's always taking the chance to touch other guys.

My legs took me to the front of the gigantic posh school I was registered in. First day of school and I'm late. The gates already closed. Yes, gates, this was a private for the rich and famous, this was to keep out unwanted people. I looked around my surroundings. There's only one way to get in now. I threw my skateboard across the five feet wall surrounding the school and started climbing. The roughness of the wall scraped me, making my finger bleed a bit.

I fell down onto something.. soft? I looked down. Oh god, a guy looked up. "Oww... WHAT THE HECK!" He spoke. My eyes widened, it was Ash. I quickly took my skateboard and hid it in a bush, rushing to class to the point where everything was a blur around me, even crossing my fingers to hope he didn't see me. I swear if he did, it wouldn't be a nice and quiet school life anymore. I lightly punched my head repeatedly. Why? Why? WHY?

I crashed into Ash, the most popular guy here, the guy who can easily beat up a gang of mafias! Not only that, but he was taking over the most biggest company in the world, his reputation was so big. One bad word from him and your company will practically shut down. I really hope he didn't see my face. I only need one more year before I can go to college and get out of that hell hole. I have enough credits to go but my parents wouldn't let me go until after this year.

Boy vs GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon