Chapter 2: Vampires at the Bank

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Set both pre- and post-The Vampires of Venice and during The Blind Banker.

Two lovebirds currently engaged in a little spat caused by pre-marriage jitters. Yes, nothing a spin in the TARDIS couldn't fix. Well, maybe the spat wasn't so much due to nerves as partially a tiny bit entirely caused by him and his box, but that was only more of a reason for him to be the one to mend their relationship!

"How about somewhere far away and romantic?" With a final grin, the Doctor pulled the lever decorated with flashing yellowy lights that sometimes made the TARDIS land, and other times unlocked the main suite's bathroom door or set off the popcorn popper to extra buttery.

What better way to fix almost-marital issues than with a trip to one of the most romantic cities in all of Europe: 1580's Venice. The collection of islands in Italy was the setting of so much history and hosted so many landmarks; a more beautiful city couldn't be found anywhere else in the peninsular nation. The engaged couple could dance, drink, explore and make googly eyes at each other for as long as they like, and then come back not even an hour after they had left and get married! And Amy could have someone a bit more age appropriate to kiss, not that it was unpleasant or anything he would never want to be repeated. Hmm, that sounded like it may be another sentence which probably sounded better in his head.

The usual rocking of the TARDIS shifted slightly to the right and the Doctor frowned, taking a look at his scanner. "No, no, no; what have you done! Did either of you two press or touch or look at anything?" He ran around to where Amy and Rory were holding on to the console in an attempt to keep their balance.

"Um, I think my elbow might have bumped this blue switch here. Some warning would be nice next time, you know," Rory spoke up, shifting to reveal a small switch pointing downward.

"Oh, not the blue switch! You could have nudged the green button or twiddled with the orange knob or even had a little get together in the closet with the roundels and we'd have been fine, but no, you just had to flip the blue switch."

"Sorry, but what does the blue switch do, exactly?" Amy asked. "I mean, nothing changed. We didn't suddenly start spinning out of control or fall into a wormhole, so what's so bad about it?"

"Nothing changed? Oh, but everything did! You see this?" The Doctor brought the screen around so his passengers could view it. "There are twos on here. Twos. They are far worse than threes and only moderately less horrifying than eights. I hope you're happy, Rory; you've doomed us all."

"What? How have I doomed us?"
"Doctor!" Amy yelled, the thickened Scottish accent bringing the men's attention towards her. "What does the bloody switch do?"

"I don't know; the TARDIS doesn't come with an instruction manual! Everything here needs to be turned on if you want to find out what it does. I have been pointedly avoiding that switch for hundreds of years and then your boyfriend comes along and messes with it within an hour of being on board."

"Uh, fiancé, soon to be husband, actually..."

"Well then, I suppose we should take this as a learning exercise and see what we've got, hmm?" Amy, ever the blissfully ignorant optimist, spoke up in defense of her boyfriend-fiancé-soon-to-be-husband over the previously identified man's own voice.

"Fine, but I'm warning you I have no idea what is out there; I am not even certain we're still on Earth. We could have arrived at the first moon landing! Ooh, I need to take you there later... Regardless, I can assure you that we aren't in Venice anymore."

"We were going to Venice?"

"...And there goes the surprise as well. All right, let's just go already!"

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