How To Break The Teacher Step 1: Be In A Band

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     Tick, tock. Tick, tock. How am I supposed to focus on boring ass calculus when I have a clock taunting me? Its not like any of this is new. Basically they just complicate basic math every year and name it something different and BAM! New course that we have to take to earn a piece of paper. Of course I can't say that in public, I have people who look up to me. Influential kids who need to go to college. Of course, you're probably wondering why what I say would matter well-

     “Miss Murpheys, would you care to join our class? I know its not as exciting as the stage you're used to but it is essential you learn this.” My teacher, Mr. Lort snapped. He doesn't seem to care for me much, I wonder why.

      “Don't hate me because you aint me.” I answered without thinking. Well, I think I now know why he doesn't like me.

      I heard him give a deep sigh before walking over to his desk and grabbing a piece of paper. “I don't care if you're the lead singer of a pop band..”

      “Rock band.” I quickly corrected.

      Another sigh. “..Rock band..but you do have to obey the rules like everyone else does. In here, you are just another student. Not Narcissa Circe of Clown Parade.”

      “Awe, you remembered my stage name!” I gushed. I probably shouldn't be pushing it considering it looked like the vein in is forehead was about to explode but hey if it saves me from dying from this lesson, I'll do it.

      He gave another sigh and put his head in his hand, mumbling about something and then walked out the door.

      “Great job, Ink.” my best friend Ronni said, “You broke our teacher.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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