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*Dani's P.O.V*

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower until the right heat. I take off my PJ's and jump in. I love the feeling of the steaming water on my back. I wash out my shampoo and then the conditioner I turn of the water grab my towel and wrap it around my body and then i grab another towel and wrap my hair. I walk over to my sink brush my teeth and my hair. I blow dry my hair and then straighten my brown waist length hair part it to my right side. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of light blue jean shorts and a purple loose tank top and slide on my black high-tops chuck Taylors.  After I grab my I LOVE HATERS hat that is black and purple with white writing and put it on. I run down the stairs Today is the first day of grade 12 and I am super excited!!!! NO I am mad that summer went by so fast and now I have to wake up at like 6:30 every day so I am not late. But at least I have the SNAPBACK GIRLS. What are the snapback girls well me and my two friends Sarah and Lily always wear our snapbacks we are like tom-boys. I hate to dress up but I love to play soccer and skateboard an d other stuff.  If I had to count my hats I would have about 15 hats ya I love them so much.  I look outside my window and I don't see my parents of cores they are never home. They are drug at its and alcoholics so mostly everyday they are home drunk or never home. I call Sarah's house my second home. Half my hats are there and half my clothes. 

I have 2 minutes until Sarah and Lily get her so I grab apple and grab my bag. Looking for my key...... found it the-

*HONK HONK HONK* Sarah's car horn goes. I run out side lock the door and I see both of them have their flat caps on. Sarah's brown hair goes great with her black OBEY hat with white writing and Lily's just over her shoulder brown hair with a pink and cheetah print VANS hat. I jump into the front seat Sarah’s driving and Lily’s in the back.

"Hey girl what's up I missed you so much" Lily and Sarah say and we pull into a group hug.

"Missed you guys two" I replied

"READY SNAPBACK GIRLS GRADE 12 HERE WE COME" Lily yells from the back and Sarah backs out of my driveway and off we go I hope grade 11 is a much better year

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