Chapter 15

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Kristen POV

I woke up before Taylor. I smiled remembering last night.  I gently moved his arm and got out of bed. I threw on his t shirt which came down mid thigh and went downstairs. I grabbed the ingredients to make pancakes and put on some music from the radio. I started to dance along to the music. I just started flipping a pancake over when I felt warm arms around me. I jumped but then leaned into the touch once I realised who it was.

"You're very energetic this morning"  I could tell he was smirking. I turned around so that I was facing him.

"Well I had a very good night"

"I bet you did" he leaned down and kissed me when I realised I was still cooking. I turned and finished the last pancake. Soon after they were done, Ava woke up and came downstairs. 

"Morning sweetie, I made breakfast"

"Mommy is Taylor my new daddy?" I froze and bout nearly dropped her plate.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked her my voice coming out shaky

"Cause I had a dream he was" 

"Ummm" I looked between Taylor and my little confused girl. I was still racking my brain for an answer when Taylor spoke.

"Of course. I can be your new daddy" I looked at him in shock while Ava ran to him, and he picked her up.

"Yayy I like you new daddy" He chuckled and I smiled at the scene. That should be the answer to my question too right? That should be proof to be that we'll be something more. That we will be together. But maybe we're moving too fast. Maybe it's too soon for Ava to be calling him daddy. But just looking at this scene of him and her, all of my doubts went away.  I walked over and hugged them both. 

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded and smiled. 



I can't believe Ava wants me to be her dad. It was flattering and i be glad to be her dad but it kinda made me think about Diamond. There was suppose to be a little baby that I was going to raise and have them call me daddy but looks like that won't happen. I mean I don't regret anything I have done with Kristen its just that it's hard to let go of someone you loved. But I want to move on with Kristen. Maybe make a family with her. It could work. Maybe. Even though I have feelings fdor Kristen I still am not too sure about this. To make this work I would have to quit being a hitman and get a real job. But some jobs dont pay as much and are harder to find. Ugh I need to figure this out. I thought I had it all figured it but I guess not. 

"Umm, Taylor, there's someone here to see you" Kristen called breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Coming" I got up and walked into the living room. When I saw who was there my eyes bulged out of my head. 

"Diamond, what are you doing here?!"

A/n its short I know but i needed to update

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