Chapter 1

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"Mum, why Australia?!" I whine to my mum. She just told me the news, that i'm moving from my house, in London to go to Sydney. You see, my mum's fiance, Jeff just moved to Sydney for his work and she wants us to go down there with him and his nephew. "You know, plenty well why Australia, Ashley. Now, no more lip." She says sternly. "Fine, but don't expect me to enjoy it" I say and stomp up to my room.

The next day I wake up at 12 pm. All those movies at 3 am.

I slowly crawl out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I go in my bathroom, use the toilet and jump in the shower to wake me up more. When, i get done rinsing my body, i turn off the water and wrap a towel around my body. I brush my hair and part my bangs to the side. "Time for makeup" I say to myself as I get my makeup kit out. First, foundation, then powder. When, I get finished applying my powder, I grab my liquid eyeliner and carefully apply it to my eyelid. Grabbing my favorite mascara, I put on an Ed Sheeran album. "Small Bump" plays on my radio as I apply the mascara. When, I get finished with my make-up, I turn my radio off and head down stairs. "Mum, i'm off for my class." I yell at my mum throughout my house. "Okay, love you" She yells back.

I attend classes at a singing school before, I go to University. Mum thought it would be a good way to keep my time while, I get prepared. Unfortunately enough for me, I won't be able to attend in England.

I head down to the bus stop and wait for the annoying bus. The bus pulls up close to me and I hop on. I go down the aisle to the back of the bus and sit in the last seat. The bus takes about 20 more minutes to pick the rest of the people up and then, another 20 minutes to drive back to my stop.

"Hey, Megs." I say to my best friend, sounding a little depressed, when I remember I have to leave her the day after tomorrow.

"Ashley, what's wrong?" She asks clearly confused.

"Um, nothing.. Well, I'll tell you when everyone gets here. I sorta have to make an announcement" I say getting up to get my breakfast. Who I meant by "everyone" is my little group. We're all very close, there's Megan, me, Hannah, Isabella, Noemi and Amber. We're practically sisters.

When I grab my food, I see that my friends are sitting down, talking. I sit back down at the table and huff.

"Hey, Ash. Megan said you had something to tell us?" Hannah asked.

"Um.. yeah, actually it's pretty serious." I say and sigh. "Well, remember when I told you guys that Jeff moved to Sydney for his job?" They all nod their heads. "Well, he got a permanent job there." I mutter.

"So, your moving to Sydney?!" Megan exclaimed.

"Um, sorta" I say and sigh once more.

"You can't go!" Amber spits out. "You're our shoulder to cry on. What if Cole and I split again? How will I cope?" She says on the verge of tears.

"I'll be just a phone call away" I say smiling.

I check my watch to see its 1:30 already. "I have to catch my class but, I'll see you guys after."

The day slugs on and in a matter of what feels like minutes, it's already time to go to the buses.

Before, I jet off to the bus, I meet up with the girls. "I'll miss you guys more than words can explain." I say and pull them all in a group hug.

"We're going to miss you too Ash!" Isabella says tears running down her face.

"No, don't cry guys.. You'll make me cry! We'll see each other again!" I say trying to cheer them up. It obviously isn't working because, now we're all in tears hugging each other with full might.

"I have to catch my bus, but I love you guys so much! I'll text you when I land in Sydney!" I say hugging them all individually.

"We love you!" They all say in unison. "Bye" I say and wave at them. With that, I go to my bus and mute the world out with music.

A/N- What did you think of the first chapter? I'll have the second one up tomorrow! xx

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